NC prisons study finds better, safer outcomes with diversion program for mental, behavioral health

October 29, 2021
Researchers found that people experiencing incarceration in North Carolina who were assigned to a therapeutic diversion unit instead of restrictive housing were at least three times less likely to commit further infractions, harm themselves or require inpatient mental health treatment.

Surratt receives Kenneth T. Whitby Award for outstanding contributions to aerosol research

October 26, 2021
The American Association for Aerosol Research has honored Dr. Jason Surratt with the prestigious Kenneth T. Whitby Award in recognition of outstanding technical contributions to aerosol science and technology by a young scientist.

Financial incentives for COVID-19 vaccination are effective, finds evaluation of NC program by NCDHHS, NCCU and UNC-Chapel Hill

October 25, 2021
The $25 Summer Card pilot program operated by North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) was successful in encouraging COVID-19 vaccination, according to a published research letter by authors from NCDHHS, North Carolina Central University and the UNC-Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health.

Community partnership provides harm reduction for vulnerable populations in Durban

October 22, 2021
UNC Gillings alum Michael Wilson cofounded Bellhaven Harm Reduction Centre, the first low-threshold harm-reduction center in South Africa which provides community-based health and harm reduction services for low-income and homeless individuals in Durban, South Africa. A recent mini documentary chronicles the unique relationship between the city, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the local university that made this center possible. 

Palmquist receives Gillings Faculty Award for Excellence in Health Equity Research

October 21, 2021
Dr. Aunchalee Palmquist has been selected as the recipient of this year’s Gillings Faculty Award for Excellence in Health Equity Research for her work to address the intersectionality of perinatal maternal, newborn and young child health disparities globally and in the United States, with an emphasis on breastfeeding.

Decarbonization strategies need broader consideration, coordination of energy technologies

October 20, 2021
Deep decarbonization strategies require broad approaches that provide complementary solutions for energy needs across multiple sectors, including electricity, transportation, agriculture, health and manufacturing. Dr. Noah Kittner is lead author on a new commentary that calls for researchers to work together to solve these interdisciplinary challenges.

New research sheds light on microbial link between gut and brain in mammals

October 20, 2021
Microbes in the mammalian gut appear to play a major factor in the landscape of chemical processes in the body and may influence communication between the gut and the brain, according to new research from the lab of Dr. Kun Lu.

Meier receives APHA Mid-Career Award in International Health

October 19, 2021
Dr. Benjamin Mason Meier has been selected to receive the 2021 Mid-Career Award in International Health from the American Public Health Association for demonstrated achievement and commitment to international health promotion and development, as well as demonstrated creativity in expanding the concepts pertinent to the practice of public health with an international focus.

Multiple-drug involvement in overdose deaths has risen in NC

October 14, 2021
Between 2015 and 2019, North Carolina saw an increase in overdose deaths that involved multiple drugs, highlighting the rapidly changing nature of drug overdoses in the state.

Dr. Beth Moracco honored with 2021 Edward Graham Kidder Faculty Service Award

October 12, 2021
The Edward Kidder Graham Award recognizes distinguished service by a UNC-Chapel Hill faculty member that benefits the University, North Carolina and the United States. The 2021 award was presented to Dr. Beth Moracco, associate professor of health behavior at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and associate director of the UNC Injury Prevention Research Center.

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