In memory of Dr. Craig Turnbull

December 20, 2022
Prolific researcher and dedicated mentor Dr. Craig Turnbull has passed away. He had a profound personal and professional impact on the Gillings School of Global Public Health, especially undergraduate students for whom he advocated and worked tirelessly – ensuring they had a home at the School.

UNC researchers to use $3 million grant to improve cervical cancer screening and treatment

December 16, 2022
The National Cancer Institute has awarded UNC researchers a five-year, $3 million grant to help develop studies to assess approaches to scalable, cost-effective screening and treatment strategies to prevent cervical cancer among women living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries and in underserved communities in the U.S.

Dean Nancy Messonnier elected to National Academy of Medicine

December 2, 2022
Nancy Messonnier, Dean and Bryson Distinguished Professor in Public Health at the UNC Gillings School, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine. This election is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine.

UNC researchers receive NC Evaluation Fund Grant to support Project RESTART

November 30, 2022
Project RESTART aims to develop a Domestic Violence Intervention Program model that incorporates restorative justice, trauma-informed programming, wrap-around services, partnerships with social justice and economic opportunity organizations, and communication strategies that prioritize survivor-centered content. The interdisciplinary collaboration recently received a funding award from the North Carolina Evaluation Fund Grants program.

US intelligence officials visit campus, engage with students on climate change

November 30, 2022
United States intelligence officials visited Carolina students last month as part of the Diplomacy Initiative. They recently authored and published a policy document detailing the effects of climate change on national security along with experts like Dr. Aaron Salzberg of the UNC Water Institute.

Scholars present during the first annual Global Health Scholars Symposium

November 23, 2022
The First Annual Global Health Scholars Symposium took place on Nov. 11, sponsored by the Institute of Global Health & Infectious Diseases and the Gillings School. The symposium showcased over 30 investigators from UNC and global sites around the world, including doctoral students, doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty.

Staying healthy at Gillings: Q&A with Brent Wishart

November 23, 2022
Senior Director of Facilities Brent Wishart talks about the many ways that the facilities management team keeps students, faculty and staff at the Gillings School safe from health and safety hazards.

Forever chemicals found in air pollution near Fayetteville manufacturing plant

November 22, 2022
Gillings researchers have identified several types of PFAS -- toxic substances commonly called "forever chemicals" -- in airborne particles near a manufacturing plant in Fayetteville, N.C., which are contributing to harmful pollution and environmental justice concerns in the community.

BELIEVE works to improve Black maternal health

November 21, 2022
A collaboration between Carolina and NC A&T is focused on strengthening birthing teams, including lactation consultants and doulas.

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