New study links particulate matter pollution to brain damage, depression

September 1, 2020
Recent research by a team that included Drs. William Vizuete and Marc Serre adds to mounting evidence that long-term exposure to particulate matter pollution contributes to memory loss and may accelerate aging of the brain, especially later in life.

Building early warning systems against pandemic threats

August 31, 2020
The nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance has announced its latest program: The Emerging Infectious Diseases Southeast Asia Research Collaboration Hub. This is one of a new group of research centers supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and faculty at the UNC Gillings School are key collaborators.

Mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 model provides new tool for COVID-19 discoveries

August 31, 2020
A new COVID-19 mouse model developed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill captures many of the features of human disease and has helped advance a vaccine candidate to clinical trial.

Hartmann supports research, makes connections as vice president for research integration at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

August 18, 2020
Vanderbilt University Medical Center has named Dr. Katherine Hartmann vice president for research integration.

Rapid funding aids COVID-19 research by top Gillings scientists

August 11, 2020
The innovative Fast Grants program, designed to fund important research rapidly, provides a combined $280,000 to Drs. Lisa Gralinski and Timothy Sheahan for COVID-19 research.

Single-shot COVID-19 vaccine protects non-human primates

August 10, 2020
The development of a safe and effective vaccine is a key step in ending the COVID-19 pandemic. A group of scientists now report that a leading candidate COVID-19 vaccine raises neutralizing antibodies and robustly protects non-human primates against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Meshnick, influential scientist, generous mentor and keen-witted satirist, dies at 68

August 6, 2020
“He was one of our kindest, most courageous and most impactful faculty members,” said a longtime colleague of Dr. Steven Richard Meshnick. “His passing is devastating and will be a huge personal and professional loss.”

NSF funds UNC scientists to explore potential COVID-19 aerosol transmission

August 3, 2020
In an effort to further our understanding of how COVID-19 is spread, the National Science Foundation has funded a team of researchers at the Gillings School, led by Dr. Barbara Turpin, to study the SARS-CoV-2 virus' potential for aerosol transmission.

Antibody research shows promise in fight against COVID-19

July 23, 2020
Based on positive results published as a preclinical study, potently neutralizing antibodies show promise as a therapy for preventing and treating COVID-19. The monoclonal antibodies were isolated from the blood of a couple from Wuhan, China, who were diagnosed with COVID-19.

UNC researchers discuss pitfalls of convenience samples for COVID-19 antibody testing

July 23, 2020
Drs. Alison Aiello and Bonnie Shook-Sa of the UNC Gillings School and Dr. Ross Boyce of the UNC School of Medicine published a viewpoint piece on the downsides of certain types of early SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence studies.

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