Lancet commentary seeks to correct COVID-19 vaccine misinformation

March 18, 2021
As part of The Lancet’s Commission on COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics Task Force, Dr. Timothy Sheahan has contributed to a new primer for health care providers addressing common misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.

A single vaccine dose may offer protection to those who have had COVID-19

March 2, 2021
The results in a new preprint study from UNC-Chapel Hill suggest that those who have previously had COVID-19 gain a similar level of antibody protection from one dose of vaccine as those who have never had COVID-19 gain from two doses.

Carolina Population Center receives $38.2 million to study adult health and aging

March 1, 2021
The UNC Carolina Population Center has received two grants, providing an expected $38.2 million over five years, that together will fund Wave VI of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health). Now entering its 28th year of National Institutes of Health funding, Add Health is the largest, most comprehensive, nationally representative and longitudinal study of the health of adolescents who have now aged into adulthood ever undertaken in the United States.

Gillings researchers receive $4.4M to reduce inequities in heart and lung disease

February 22, 2021
Heart and lung disease are leading causes of illness and death in the United States, and the disease burden is unequal across groups defined by race/ethnicity, sex and/or gender, and socioeconomic status. Numerous programs have been proven to reduce heart disease, but too often they are not put into practice in the communities where they are most needed.

Experts report that phthalates impair children’s brain development, call for immediate action

February 18, 2021
In a peer-reviewed article published in the American Journal of Public Health, leading scientists and health professionals identify ortho-phthalates as neurotoxic chemicals that increase children's risks for learning, attention and behavioral disorders. In particular, prenatal exposures to phthalates can contribute to attention problems in children.

Martinez receives Hanna Gray Fellowship for biomedical research

February 18, 2021
Dr. David Martinez, postdoctoral researcher at the Gillings School, is part of a cohort of 21 early career researchers who were named 2020 Hanna H. Gray Fellows by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Broad spectrum antiviral proves highly effective at preventing, treating COVID-19 infection

February 9, 2021
Using a novel in vivo research model containing human lung tissue, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and UNC School of Medicine scientists demonstrated that the experimental drug EIDD-2801 proved dramatically effective at preventing and treating SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Activity trackers may help patients maintain physical activity after cardiac rehabilitation discharge

February 4, 2021
A new study that includes research from Dr. Kelly Evenson suggests that activity trackers could help patients maintain necessary levels of physical activity after they are discharged from outpatient cardiac rehabilitation.

READDI, not reactive

January 21, 2021
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists at UNC teamed up to create the Rapidly Emerging Antiviral Drug Discovery Initiative (READDI) to not only combat SARS-CoV-2 but also future viral outbreaks.

Addressing pandemic problems

January 19, 2021
While COVID-19 has shaken the world, it has also pushed society to be more innovative and creative — two attributes that have been essential to the success of researchers at UNC. Carolina students, faculty and staff are engaged in an abundance of projects, making UNC the most cited university in the United States for coronavirus research.

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