July 25, 2022

Rosa Cuppari

Rosa Cuppari

Rosa Cuppari, MS, has been named a Voices for Sciences Fellow by the AGU — an international, nonprofit scientific association that aims to “promote discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity.”

Cuppari, a doctoral student in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at the UNC-Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health, will join AGU as a science advocate through the Voices for Science program.

At the Gillings School, Cuppari is a graduate research assistant at the Center on Financial Risks in Environmental Systems. In her masters, she worked to build financial resilience for farming communities in Oregon, and during her PhD she has moved to design risk mitigation tools for hydropower producers, fostering public health and well-being in a way that has co-benefits for sustainability and climate change mitigation.

In her new role as fellow, Cuppari will receive training in how to communicate the value of her research to key decision makers, journalists and public audiences through the policy track. For 12 months, she will collaborate directly with AGU staff to conduct regular outreach activities with a variety of audiences.

“This year, in particular, we have been hearing about one natural disaster and environmental extreme after another,” Cuppari said. “The trend is not ending, and we need to identify more ways to mitigate those impacts at all levels: households, businesses and governments. Through the program, I hope to become a resource for the Triangle and North Carolina on ways to do that with renewable energy and water resource management.”

“I am so excited that Rosa has been named an AGU Voices for Science Fellow,” shared Barbara J. Turpin, PhD, professor and chair of the environmental sciences and engineering department. “It is a very prestigious award, and we are very proud.”

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