MPH Practicum: Preceptor Information
Host an MPH Student
Are you a community-based public health professional with a ‘wish list’ of projects? Your list might be a great fit for a public health practicum. Partner with UNC Gillings by offering a practicum opportunity to Master of Public Health (MPH) students.
Organization and Preceptor Requirements
See the MPH Practicum Requirements page for details about the organization requirements and preceptor qualifications that must be met in order for an organization to host an MPH practicum student.
Preceptor Role and Responsibilities
Review the role and responsibilities of a preceptor. The preceptor is the student’s main point of contact at the practicum organization. They mentor the practicum student and supervise the practicum work. The preceptor: Learn more about the types of activities students complete during a practicum. Practicum activities must allow for application of graduate-level public health skills and contribute to improvements in public health by informing, assessing, developing, implementing, evaluating, and/or leading policies, programs, and/or interventions at the population rather than individual level. Examples of practicum activities include: Students are not limited to the activities listed above and can combine multiple activities during the practicum. Academic teaching, observation and/or treatment of patients, shadowing, and activities conducted solely under faculty supervision (e.g., case study or preparing a manuscript for publication) are not appropriate practicum activities. Learn more about the types of products students produce during a practicum. A product is a tangible output from the student’s practicum work. Students must produce a minimum of two non-proprietary, practical work products for the practicum organization’s use and benefit that demonstrate attainment of five CEPH MPH Foundational Competencies. The preceptor and student determine the number and types of products a student completes based on the practicum organization’s needs, time constraints, and student interests and capabilities. Multiple students can work on the same practicum project; however, each student must produce at least two products that demonstrate individual competency attainment. Examples of practicum products include: Unacceptable products are presentations (poster or oral) about the student’s practicum experience, IRB applications, reflection papers, contact hour logs, scholarly papers prepared to allow faculty to assess the experience, academic poster presentations, and other documents required for academic purposes. The MPH Preceptor Checklist provides an overview of the steps that preceptors should take before, during and after a student’s practicum experience. After a student completes their practicum experience, please complete the UNC Gillings Practicum Preceptor Evaluation to provide feedback on the student’s performance and ongoing quality improvement efforts for the practicum program.
Practicum Activities
Practicum Products
Preceptor Checklist
Preceptor Evaluation