Trainings focused on pain coping skills may also reduce depression linked with perceived discrimination among Black patients

February 16, 2021
Black patients are more likely than members of any other racial group to experience discrimination in health care settings — and discrimination has negative effects on mental health. A new study shows that over-the-phone training sessions focused on skills for coping with pain may reduce the association between discrimination experiences and depressive symptoms.

Graduate student ‘Boundary Spanners’ help NC communities address COVID-19 challenges

February 2, 2021
UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and graduate students created the I4 Boundary Spanners program to address local COVID-19 concerns by combining data analysis with firsthand community perspectives.

Five Gillings student selected to receive 2021 Impact Award, Horizon Award for research benefiting North Carolina

January 15, 2021
Five students from the Gillings School are among sixteen UNC graduate students and recent graduate alumni who have been selected to receive The Graduate School’s 2021 Impact Awards and Horizon Awards.

Positive messaging could play a key role in increasing COVID-19 mask compliance

January 13, 2021
Experts from the Gillings School and the Hussman School at UNC have published a new study suggesting that positive messages could be critical to increasing the use of face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gillings student and alumni played crucial role in NBA's COVID-19 “bubble”

January 5, 2021
According to Dr. Christina Mack, the National Basketball Association (NBA) made a call in the name of public health when it suspended the 2019-2020 season in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan to restart its season — and hold playoffs in a controlled environment, or “bubble” — was ambitious. Mack notes that the NBA’s history of relying on scientific expertise and data to drive decisions greatly contributed to the success of this novel approach.

During pandemic disruption, Gillings students and alumni create new learning opportunities

December 16, 2020
This spring, the pandemic left nearly 50 students in the Department of Health Policy and Management without internships needed to fulfill degree requirements. In response, the department coordinated with an ardent alumni community to provide new opportunities.

Ten years with the Affordable Care Act in North Carolina

December 3, 2020
In honor of the tenth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, researchers from the Department of Health Policy and Management have published a series of articles in the North Carolina Medical Journal reflecting on the legislation’s impact on health coverage in North Carolina.

Gillings students and alumni provide community COVID-19 testing

November 24, 2020
Dr. Jan Lee Santos – who holds a Master of Healthcare Administration from the Gillings School’s Department of Health Policy and Management – is working with several other Gillings alumni and students at Piedmont Health to bring COVID-19 testing to the places it’s needed most in North Carolina.

Housing stress linked with higher rates of child maltreatment

November 17, 2020
When families are dealing with stress over housing insecurity, there is a greater risk of child maltreatment and Child Protective Services becoming involved. These findings come from three researchers at the UNC Gillings School.

AJPH editorial: Populism threatens the public health response to COVID-19

November 13, 2020
In an editorial published in the American Journal of Public Health, doctoral candidate Caitlin Williams and Dr. Benjamin Mason Meier write that populist policies have hindered public health responses to COVID-19 and could have lasting consequences on health and human rights.

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