Regulating TV ads targeted to children could reduce their exposure to junk food

December 11, 2019
Chile has mandated some of the most stringent and comprehensive regulations of food marketing. New research from the Gillings School finds that after initial regulations were put in place in 2016, preschoolers’ exposure to child-targeted advertising of unhealthy foods decreased by 35%.

Water Institute uses data to strengthen WaSH systems in Pacific Island countries

December 11, 2019
Pacific Island countries lag behind the rest of the world in terms of access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) services. The Water Institute collaborated with UNICEF Pacific to investigate the problem.

10 Gillings faculty members named Highly Cited Researchers by Web of Science

December 10, 2019
Ten academics from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health were recently named Highly Cited Researchers, according to the Highly Cited Researchers 2019 list from the Web of Science Group.

When it comes to crisis response, low-income countries need a defined standard of care

December 9, 2019
In a recent commentary, faculty from the Gillings School call for more urgency in the delivery of quality care to countries experiencing extreme adversity, documenting ongoing crises in Iraq and the devastating impact they have had on human health in the region.

New food marketing regulations in Chile are reducing the use of child-targeted packaging

December 4, 2019
As part of a comprehensive effort to reduce obesity, Chile now restricts child-directed marketing for products that exceed certain thresholds for added values of sugars, saturated fats, sodium and/or calories. Child-targeted strategies are still allowed for products that do not exceed these thresholds.

UNC awarded $2.91 million to create new ultra-long-acting HIV drug delivery implant

December 2, 2019
Doctoral students Katie Mollan and Bonnie Shook-Sa, along with Dr. Michael Hudgens, are part of an investigative team that recently received a $2.91 million award from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create an ultra-long-acting implant for HIV drug delivery.

Anderson named Education Diversity Intern

November 26, 2019
Rakiah Anderson, a second-year Master of Public Health student at the Gillings School, has been awarded the American Evaluation Association’s Graduate Education Diversity Internship.

Pancreatic cancer tumor classification could optimize treatment choices

November 22, 2019
A study from the University of North Carolina's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center could help predict resistance to treatments for pancreatic cancer — one of the deadliest cancer types.

13 undergraduates from the Gillings School inducted into Phi Beta Kappa

November 22, 2019
Thirteen students from UNC Gillings School of Global Health have been inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the country’s oldest and most honored college honorary society.

Smith recognized as an expert in early cancer detection by Expertscape

November 21, 2019
Dr. Jennifer S. Smith recently was named by Expertscape as a leading expert in the early detection of cancer.

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