Decarbonization strategies need broader consideration, coordination of energy technologies

October 20, 2021
Deep decarbonization strategies require broad approaches that provide complementary solutions for energy needs across multiple sectors, including electricity, transportation, agriculture, health and manufacturing. Dr. Noah Kittner is lead author on a new commentary that calls for researchers to work together to solve these interdisciplinary challenges.

New research sheds light on microbial link between gut and brain in mammals

October 20, 2021
Microbes in the mammalian gut appear to play a major factor in the landscape of chemical processes in the body and may influence communication between the gut and the brain, according to new research from the lab of Dr. Kun Lu.

Takhona Hlatshwako named Carolina’s 52nd Rhodes Scholar

October 19, 2021
Takhona Hlatshwako has been named UNC-Chapel Hill's 52nd Rhodes Scholar, one of the oldest and most prestigious international scholarship honors. Scholars are selected based on academic excellence, character, leadership and commitment to service.

Meier receives APHA Mid-Career Award in International Health

October 19, 2021
Dr. Benjamin Mason Meier has been selected to receive the 2021 Mid-Career Award in International Health from the American Public Health Association for demonstrated achievement and commitment to international health promotion and development, as well as demonstrated creativity in expanding the concepts pertinent to the practice of public health with an international focus.

UNC Gillings School receives 2021 Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award

October 18, 2021
For the third consecutive year, leadership at the Gillings School has been honored with the Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine for outstanding commitment to and ongoing promotion of inclusive excellence.

Cline named interim director of NC Institute for Public Health

October 15, 2021
Steve Cline, DDS, MPH, will act as interim director of the North Carolina Institute for Public Health, effective October 1.

Multiple-drug involvement in overdose deaths has risen in NC

October 14, 2021
Between 2015 and 2019, North Carolina saw an increase in overdose deaths that involved multiple drugs, highlighting the rapidly changing nature of drug overdoses in the state.

Dr. Beth Moracco honored with 2021 Edward Graham Kidder Faculty Service Award

October 12, 2021
The Edward Kidder Graham Award recognizes distinguished service by a UNC-Chapel Hill faculty member that benefits the University, North Carolina and the United States. The 2021 award was presented to Dr. Beth Moracco, associate professor of health behavior at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and associate director of the UNC Injury Prevention Research Center.

Dr. Ralph Baric receives O. Max Gardner Award for coronavirus research

October 12, 2021
UNC-Chapel Hill professor Dr. Ralph Baric — a world renowned coronavirus expert — has contributed to the development of life-saving vaccines and pharmaceutical treatments during the COVID-19 pandemic.

UNC awarded $11.7 million to help providers improve HPV vaccine communication, uptake among adolescents

October 6, 2021
Provider recommendations are key to increasing HPV vaccination rates. A new $11.7 million research initiative, led by UNC Gillings researchers, will equip health care providers with the support necessary to communicate about HPV vaccines more effectively.

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