The Abstract: September 26, 2022

September 26, 2022
Lin leads new research into COVID-19 vaccine protections, Planey receives funding to study expansion of health systems, West talks climate change with the Weather Channel and Browne receives leadership award.

New study examines COVID-19 cases among UNC students during Fall 2020

September 15, 2022
During the Fall 2020 semester, UNC explored hybrid options to minimize COVID-19 transmission while still offering an on-campus experience for students. New research from the Gillings School sheds light on how this experience impacted COVID-19 cases among undergraduates.

More steps per day tied with lower diabetes risk

August 18, 2022
"Our message is that people should take as many steps as possible throughout the day at any walk pace, trying to work in a brisk walk for part of the day to gain the greatest benefit in lowering their risk of diabetes."

The Abstract: August 15, 2022

August 15, 2022
Hincapie-Castillo assesses COVID-19 dashboards in public schools, Rothenberg is named RTI International's Mentee of the Year and students from biostatistics are honored for research.

Gillings faculty complete innovative Round 6, COVID-19 GILs

August 12, 2022
Gillings faculty have recently completed four GILs, including two from Round 6 of GIL funding and two from the special COVID-19 round of funding. The results of their work have furthered our understanding of energy storage, brain health, environmental exposures, viral transmission, pandemic response and more.

Immune modulator drugs improved survival for people hospitalized with COVID-19

July 15, 2022
A clinical trial led by the NIH, with support from the Duke Clinical Research Institute and the Gillings School, recently showed that using infliximab or abatacept to treat adults hospitalized with COVID-19 did not shorten recovery time but did improve survival rates.

UNC research identifies genetic variations linked to brain activity, mental health

May 27, 2022
Researchers have uncovered 45 common genetic variations that could help health care providers better understand the genetic factors that impact behavioral and mental health and identify those who may be at higher risk for neurological disorders.

Zhao receives The Graduate School Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award

April 12, 2022
Dr. Bingxin Zhao, a doctoral graduate from the Gillings School's Department of Biostatistics, is one of four recipients of The Graduate School's 2022 Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award.

UNC landmark study paves the way for universal obstetric ultrasound

April 7, 2022
Establishing accurate gestational age with ultrasound early in pregnancy is essential to delivering high-quality care. Yet, the high cost for equipment and the need for trained sonographers limits its use in low-resource settings. A new study introduces a novel opportunity to democratize obstetric ultrasound.

Study shows COVID-19 vaccines provide lasting protections

January 12, 2022
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that, despite breakthrough infections, COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death. The findings support the use of boosters to provide ongoing protection.

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