Ezekwesili receives UNC Chancellor’s Award for multicultural leadership

May 22, 2020
Agnes Ezekwesili, a Morehead-Cain Scholar and recent graduate from the Bachelor of Science in Public Health program in nutrition, has received the George Moses Horton Award for Multicultural Leadership.

Diabetes cases show signs of increase in American youth, according to CDC report

May 12, 2020
For years, the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study has been monitoring the increase in diabetes cases in young people across the United States. A new update in that data shows that this increase is continuing in five U.S. locations, particularly among racial and ethnic minorities.

Adults in Mexico are consuming fewer soft drinks three years into a sugary-beverage tax

May 6, 2020
“These results show that the tax is lowering the consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks among an adult cohort over the first three-years of the tax implementation,” says Dr. Shu Wen Ng. “In particular, it lowered the proportion of medium and high consumers of the beverages, while increasing the share of adults who were low-consumers and non-consumers.”

The Gillings Community Responds to COVID-19: Outreach to Vulnerable Communities

April 17, 2020
In Arizona, online MPH student Jeannie Hong is serving dual roles as a U.S. Public Health Service officer and a pharmacist for patients in a Native American and Alaska Native community. Nutrition graduate student Kayla Ferro and her peers are serving vulnerable homeless populations in the heart of Orange County. In Nevada, health behavior alumnus Peter Reed has collaborated on a statewide response plan to help older adults get the services they need while in isolation.

Eight faculty members win 2020 Teaching Innovation Awards

April 17, 2020
Students at the Gillings School voted recently to select eight of the School’s most innovative classroom teachers for the annual Teaching Excellence and Innovation Awards.

Gillings School students claim 9 of Graduate School’s 17 Impact and Horizon awards

April 6, 2020
The UNC Graduate School has announced that nine of the 17 Impact and Horizon awardees for 2020 are students or recent graduates of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. The awards acknowledge student research that benefits the people of North Carolina.

‘100% Vitamin C’ marketing claims increase appeal of sugary fruit drinks

March 24, 2020
Sugar-sweetened beverages are a major factor in the obesity epidemic among both children and adults, and fruit-flavored drinks with added sugar are by far the most popular variety of these among children. In a new study, UNC researchers examine how adding vitamin claims, fruit images and health warnings to the labels of fruit drinks affected consumers’ perceptions.

Food for All Partnership addresses COVID-19 impact on food systems

March 23, 2020
UNC-Chapel Hill’s Food for All Partnership convened an urgent virtual meeting to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on food systems in North Carolina — and to brainstorm potential responses.

Coronavirus affects everyone: The Gillings School responds

March 16, 2020
As countries around the globe work to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 — which causes the illness COVID-19 — researchers and practitioners in every discipline at the Gillings School are turning their expertise into action to support the pandemic response.

Soldavini receives inaugural UNCG/NCCC Engaged Scholarship Prize

March 11, 2020
Jessica Soldavini, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Nutrition at the Gillings School, is the winner of the first-ever UNC Greensboro/North Carolina Campus Compact Engaged Scholarship Prize in the graduate student category. She received a $500 award during the 2020 PACE Conference.

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