9 Gillings School faculty members named to Clarivate's annual Highly Cited Researchers list

November 16, 2021
Nine academics from the Gillings School were recently named to the 2021 Highly Cited Researchers list from Clarivate. The highly anticipated annual list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their chosen field or fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade.

UNC awarded $5M for READDI collaboration to prevent future pandemics

November 11, 2021
RTI International, a nonprofit research institute, announced the winner of its Forethought Research Collaboration Challenge. The group of researchers working to combat the next pandemic, led by experts at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will receive $5 million in seed funding to produce antiviral drugs for the future.

Gillings faculty, students and alumni track human rights effects of COVID-19 response

November 10, 2021
The public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic was uniquely widespread and rapid, with equally widespread potential for human rights impacts across nations and throughout the world. A group of faculty members, students and alumni of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health created a database that uses media coverage to monitor potential violations of human rights.

Gillings School report: Stay alert for ticks in Orange County

November 10, 2021
People who enjoy parks and trails in Chapel Hill and surrounding areas should be on the lookout for ticks, according to recent findings from epidemiology researchers at the Gillings School.

Building a better bassinet

November 9, 2021
Carolina faculty helped develop an innovative hospital bassinet that enables breastfeeding and chestfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, and mother-infant bonding while improving newborn safety.

In cities with poor sanitation, waste-borne diseases may also be spread through air

November 8, 2021
Microbes that cause many waste-borne diseases are present in air particles around areas that have open sewers, according to a new study. These pathogens have the potential to spread into the surrounding environment, putting local inhabitants at risk.

New resource offers guidance to optimize digital health assessments

November 8, 2021
A team led by Dr. Manish Kumar, an alum of and adjunct assistant professor at UNC Gillings, developed a new resource that brings much-needed clarity to the process of improving digital health capability for public health systems.

Positive social ‘nudges’ could encourage more providers to treat opioid use disorder

November 3, 2021
Positive social messaging can encourage more providers to seek training to administer medicine for opioid use disorder, which could lead to more patients gaining access to this life-saving treatment.

Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill scientists identify new antibody for COVID-19 and variants

November 2, 2021
A research collaboration between scientists at Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has identified and tested an antibody that limits the severity of infections from a variety of coronaviruses, including those that cause COVID-19 as well as the original SARS illness.

Cellular quality-control system identified as a culprit in coronavirus infection

November 1, 2021
MERS, caused by a coronavirus strain of the same name, holds clues for respiratory diseases like COVID-19.

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