Preserving and promoting breastfeeding support in Appalachia

October 26, 2022
As part of a special issue of the American Journal of Public Health, Gillings nutrition experts partnered with community breastfeeding advocates to co-develop a study exploring the challenges that lactation professionals and supporters experience in Appalachia.

The Abstract: October 24, 2022

October 24, 2022
Amazing honors and new research from Gillings School faculty, students and alumni, who are continuing to be recognized for the impact they make on public health.

Humanitarian Health Initiative supports frontline response to improve maternal and child health in Sierra Leone

October 17, 2022
The Humanitarian Health Initiative worked with Sierra Leone nongovernmental organization Rural Health Care Initiative to increase the impact of its response to the country’s maternal mortality crisis.

3 from Gillings School community to be honored on University Day

October 6, 2022
The Gillings School will receive special recognition during the ceremonies on University Day, which will mark the 229th anniversary of UNC’s founding. Alumni Dr. Nicole K. Bates and Dr. F. DuBois Bowman, along with staff member Charletta Sims Evans, will be celebrated, and two School researchers will share their latest findings.

The Abstract: September 26, 2022

September 26, 2022
Lin leads new research into COVID-19 vaccine protections, Planey receives funding to study expansion of health systems, West talks climate change with the Weather Channel and Browne receives leadership award.

Martin receives 2022 Gillings Faculty Award for Excellence in Health Equity Research

September 22, 2022
Dr. Chantel Martin will receive this year’s Gillings Faculty Award for Excellence in Health Equity Research. Martin is an emerging national leader in research to understand how structural factors and social stressors in the U.S. become biologically embodied to impact health outcomes among racially and ethnically minoritized groups and produce health inequities.

Maternal and child health supplement provides strategies to strengthen the workforce

September 7, 2022
Dorothy Cilenti and Leslie deRosset, in the UNC Gillings Department of Maternal and Child Health, are among the co-editors of a special supplement to the Maternal and Child Health Journal titled “Developing and Strengthening the Current and Future MCH Public Health Workforce: Building Capacity, Aligning Systems and Addressing Emerging Challenges.” The articles cover a wide range of topics related to the work of providing continuing education and workforce development to those working in state and local maternal and child health.

Shelus studies antimalarial drug use and practice at drug shops in Uganda

August 25, 2022
Recent doctoral alumna Victoria Shelus conducted her dissertation research in Bugoye, Uganda, to understand the role that local drug shops play in making antimalarial treatments more accessible and how they can be leveraged to manage the spread of malaria in the region.

Wiesman named associate dean for practice at UNC Gillings School

August 18, 2022
Dr. John Wiesman has been appointed associate dean for practice at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. In this senior leadership role, he will provide guidance to achieve the school’s vision and goals for putting public health training into action.

The Abstract: July 25, 2022

July 25, 2022
Gillings researchers are recognized for work in pharmacoepidemiology, public health leadership and marine environmental sciences, and a recent alumnus receives outstanding dissertation honors.

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