Rachel Graham, PhD
Dr. Graham also currently serves as a member of the UNC Institutional Biosafety Committee.
Rachel Graham in the Gillings News
- 11 Gillings School experts named to Clarivate's 2024 Highly Cited Researchers List
- 15 Gillings School experts named to Clarivate's 2023 Highly Cited Researchers List
- Gillings School experts named to Clarivate's 2022 Highly Cited Researchers List
- UNC research uncovers evidence of human susceptibility to emerging coronavirus strain in swine
- Grant arms UNC-Chapel Hill with technology to accelerate COVID-19 research
Key Publications
An orally bioavailable broad-spectrum antiviral inhibits SARS-CoV-2 and multiple endemic, epidemic and bat coronaviruses. T.P. Sheahan, A.C. Sims, S. Zhou, R.L. Graham, C.S. Hill, S.R. Leist, A. Schäfer, K.H. Dinnon, S.A. Montgomery, M.L. Agostini, A.J. Pruijssers, J.D. Chapell, A.J. Brown, G.R. Bluemling, M.G. Natchus, M. Saindane, A.A. Kolykhalov, G. Painter, J, Harcourt, A. Tamin, N.J. Thornburg, R. Swanstrom, M.R. Denison, and R.S. Baric (2020). Science Translational Medicine, pii: eabb5883.
Receptor recognition by the novel coronavirus from Wuhan: an analysis based on decade-long structural studies of SARS coronavirus. Y. Wan, J. Shang, R.L. Graham, R.S. Baric, and F. Li. (2020). Journal of Virology, 94(e00127).
Evaluation of a recombination-resistant coronavirus as a broadly applicable, rapidly implementable vaccine platform. R.L. Graham, D.J. Deming, M.E. Deming, B.L. Yount, and R.S. Baric. (2018). Communications Biology, 1(:), 179.
Viral metagenomics, protein structure, and reverse genetics: Key strategies for investigating coronaviruses. B.A. Johnston, R.L. Graham, and V.D. Menachery (2017). Virology, 517(17), 30-37.
A Decade After SARS: Strategies for Controlling Emerging Coronaviruses. R.L. Graham, E.F. Donaldson, and R.S. Baric. (2013). Nature Reviews Microbiology, 11(:), 836-848.
A live, impaired-fidelity coronavirus vaccine protects in an aged, immunocompromised mouse model of lethal disease. R.L. Graham, M.M. Becker, L.D. Eckerle, M. Bolles, M.R. Denison, and R.S. Baric (2012). Nature Medicine, 18(12), 1820–1826.
Recombination, Reservoirs, and the Modular Spike: Mechanisms of Coronavirus Cross-Species Transmission. R.L. Graham and R.S. Baric. (2010). Journal of Virology, 84(:), 3134-3146.
- PhD, Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University, 2007
- BS, Biology, University of Kentucky, 2001