Peggye Dilworth-Anderson, PhD
Peggye Dilworth-Anderson, PhD is Research Professor in the department of Health Policy & Management at the Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill. Her research focus is on health disparities and Alzheimer’s disease with an emphasis on building knowledge for the scientific and lay community to inform conducting culturally relevant research and disseminating information about Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders in medically underserved diverse populations. Her research bridges community engagement activities on empowering patients and families seeking diagnoses for chronic diseases, accompanying care, and needed support.Dr. Dilworth- Anderson is the recipient of numerous wards that include the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2022 Bengt Winblad Lifetime Achievement Award in Alzheimer's Research, UNC Diversity Award in 2018 in recognition of her commitment to diversity and inclusion in research, teaching, and leadership, 2010 recipient of the Ronald & Nancy Reagan Alzheimer’s Research Award from the Alzheimer’s Association, 2018 Pearmain Prize for Excellence in Research on Aging from the University of Southern California (USC) Roybal Institute on Aging, UNC Faculty- to- Faculty Mentoring Award in 2012 from the Carolina Women’s Leadership Council, and 2006 Minority Task Force Mentor Award from the Gerontological Society of America.
She is former President of Gerontological Society, member of the National Advisory Council on Aging of NIA, former Board member of the National Board of Directors of the Alzheimer’s Association and is currently a member of the Global Council on Brain Health and member of the Board of Directors of the Alzheimer’s Association Eastern North Carolina Chapter
Honors and Awards
Pearmain Prize for Excellence in Research on Aging
2018, University of Southern California
UNC Diversity Award
2018, University Of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Faculty to Faculty Mentoring Award
2012, Carolina Women’s Leadership Council
Ronald and Nancy Reagan Award in Alzheimer's Research
2010, Alzheimer's Association
Elected President
2009, Gerontological Society of America
Minority Task Force Mentor Award
2006, Gerontological Society
Presidential Appointment
2005, White House Conference on Aging Advisory Committee
Research Activities
- Health Disparities
- Dementia and Caregiving
- Family Caregiving and Aging
- Minority Aging & Aging in Cultural Context
Key Publications
Dementia Caregiving Research: Expanding and Reframing the Lens of Diversity, Inclusivity, and Intersectionality. Dilworth-Anderson P, Moon H, Aranda M. (2020). Gerontologist, 60(5), 797-805.
Achieving Health Equity in Embedded Pragmatic Trials for People Living with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers. Quiñones, AR, Mitchell SL, Jackson JD, Aranda MP, Dilworth-Anderson P, McCarthy EP, Hinton L. (2020). Journal of American Geriatrics Society, 68(Suppl 2), (Suppl 2): S8-S13.
Perspectives on Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: Update and Areas of Immediate Need. Babulal, Ganesh M. et al….Dilworth-Anderson, …. P., O’Bryant, S., on behalf of the International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment, Alzheimer’s Association (2019). Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 15(2), 292–312.
Opportunities and Challenges in Public and Community Engagement: The Connected for Cognitive Health in Later Life (CHILL) Project. Lee, C., Mellor, T., Dilworth-Anderson, P., Young, T., Brayne, C., & Lafortune. L. (2018). Research Involvement and Engagement, 4(42), 1-12.
Baby Boomer Caregiver and Dementia Caregiving: Findings from the National Study of Caregiving. Moon, H. & Dilworth-Anderson P. (2015). Age and Ageing, 44(2), 300-306.
Social Justice, Health Disparities, and Culture in the Care of the Elderly. Dilworth-Anderson, P., Pierre, G., & Hilliard, T. (2012). Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 40(1), 26-32.
- BA, Sociology, Tuskegee Institute, 1970
- MA, Sociology, Northwestern University, 1972
- PhD, Sociology, Northwestern University, 1975