Jen Deese

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Epidemiology


Dr. Deese is a clinical trialist, infectious disease epidemiologist and certified Clinical Research Professional with over 20 years of experience in domestic and international clinical research. As a clinical trialist, she has led or co-led all components of numerous Phase III and IV studies including study design and execution, protocol and informed consent development, regulatory submissions, quality metrics and monitoring, investigator meetings, results interpretation, and publication. As an epidemiologist, she has expertise in multiple facets of study conception, design (observational and interventional research, including cross-sectional, cohort, case-cohort, case-control and randomized designs), conduct, critical operational monitoring, analysis and interpretation. She has extensive global research experience spanning the United States, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Key Publications

Contraceptive effectiveness, pharmacokinetics, and safety of Sayana® Press when injected every four months. Deese J, Brache, V, Bahamondes L, Salinas A, Jorge A, Veiga N, Fuchs R, Miller A, Taylor D, Halpern V, Dorflinger L. (2022). eClinicalMedicine.
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Recent advances and new challenges in cisgender women’s gyneacologic and obstetric health in the context of HIV. Clinical Obstetetrics and Gynecology. Deese J, Heffron R, Jaspan H, Masson L, Smit J, Sibeko S. (2021). Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology.
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Sexually transmitted infections among women randomized to depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, a copper intrauterine device or a levonorgestrel implant. Deese J, Philip N, Lind M, Ahmed K, Batting J, Beksinska M, Edward V, Louw C, Onono M, Palanee-Phillips T, Smit J, Baeten J, Donnell D, Mastro T, Mugo N, Nanda K, Reese H, Morrison C. (2020). Sex Trans Infect..
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What’s sex got to do with it? Understanding potential confounding and exposure misclassification in mechanistic sexually transmitted infection research. Deese J, Wang M, Lapple D, Nelson J, Kuerten B, Steiner M, Chen P, Hobbs M.  (2020). J Infect Dis.
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  • PhD, Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • MPH, Maternal and Child Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • BS, Biology, Minor Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill