Marjorie Satinsky, MA, MBA

Adjunct Instructor
Department of Health Policy and Management


Margie Satinsky, MA, MBA is President of Satinsky Consulting, LLC, a health care consulting firm based in Durham, NC that provides services to medical practices. Her areas of expertise include practice start-up for new practices and practice assessment for existing practices, information technology planning and implementation, human resources, strategic business planning, managed care rate negotiation and contract review, marketing, operations improvement, disaster planning, and HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule compliance and training.

Margie was formerly the Managing Director of a Chapel Hill pediatric specialty practice, the President of the ReXMeD Physician Hospital Organization, and the Director of Managed Care Contracting and Operations for the Duke Health System.  She has a BA in history from Brown University, an MA in political science from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and advanced training in healthcare negotiation and conflict resolution from the Harvard School of Public Health. 

Margie has been an adjunct faculty member at the UNC School of Public Health, where she taught a graduate level course on health care consulting. She has also been a faculty member for Duke Medical Center’s Business of Medicine Program for residents. She has written several books on healthcare, including Handbook for Medical Practice in the 21st Century (2007). Margie is a frequent writer for the North Carolina Medical Board Forum newsletter and a member of the North Carolina Medical Society Clinical Quality and Healthcare Financing and Southern Regional AHEC Vendor Selection Committees. Her articles on practice management have appeared in the MAG Journal, Review of Ophthalmology, Skin and Aging, MGMA Connexion, MD News, Triangle Physician, and in other professional journals. Margie is a member of Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), North Carolina Medical Group Managers, Triangle Medical Managers, and the North Carolina Health Information and Communications Alliance (NCHICA). 


  • MBA, Business Administration, University of Pennsylvania, 1976