March 30, 2015

Robert Verhalen, DrPH, alumnus and emeritus board member of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health’s Public Health Foundation board, passed away on March 26 in McLean, Va., at the age of 79.

Dr. Robert Verhalen (right) posed with his wife Phyllis and their beloved canine friend Tessa in spring 2014.

Dr. Robert Verhalen (right) posed with his wife Phyllis and their beloved canine friend Tessa in spring 2014.

Dr. Verhalen earned a bachelor’s degree in zoology from Iowa State University (1963) and a Master of Public Health in health administration (1965) and Doctor of Public Health (1972) from the Gillings School. While working on his doctorate, he was appointed as a task force chief on a presidential study commission on product safety.

The appointment was the beginning of an accomplished career as a regulatory scientist. He spent more than 20 years designing and managing national programs on injury and illness surveillance and gained 16 years’ experience in developing epidemiology and health studies for manufacturers of federally regulated products. He was expert in leading multidisciplinary teams to find solutions for major health and safety problems and in briefing decision makers about complex data and surveillance issues.

He founded Verhalen & Associates in 1995 and led that organization for 20 years. Beginning in 2010, he served as a senior science adviser for Epidemiology International and an advisory board member for Apprio Inc.

Dr. Verhalen is survived by Phyllis Verhalen, his wife of 56 years; his daughter Elizabeth and son David; their spouses and four grandchildren; and an extended loving family.

“Robert was a long-time supporter of the Gillings School, a proud two-time alumnus and dedicated leader on our Foundation board for many years,” said Crystal Hinson Miller, associate dean for advancement at the School. “He and Phyllis left a lasting impact on many of us in the Foundation and across the School. He will be deeply missed.”

Among his gifts to the School was The Robert Verhalen Endowed Scholarship Fund in Injury Prevention and Trauma Management. Later this month, the 14th Gillings School student will be named as a Verhalen Scholar.

His family has suggested that memorial gifts may be made to that scholarship fund. To give a gift online in Dr. Verhalen’s memory, please go to and “search funds” for Robert Verhalen. Checks may be written to the Public Health Foundation and sent to SPH Advancement, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, 107 Rosenau Hall, Campus Box 7400, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400. Please note “Robert Verhalen Scholarship Fund” on the check’s memo line.

Services will be held at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in McLean, Va., on Tuesday, March 31, at 10 a.m. Condolences may be left for family members on a memorial page online.

Gillings School of Global Public Health contact: David Pesci, director of communications, (919) 962-2600 or
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