October 12, 2023

Dear Gillings students, faculty and staff,

We know that members of our community are hurting right now due to strife in other countries, most acutely because of the recent horrific events in the Middle East. Many of us have deep and significant ties to this crisis, and we who support the preservation of life have a responsibility to care for one another as we are able.

“We condemn all forms of violence and mourn those who were lost.” These words from the Chancellor at today’s University Day celebration resonate deeply. As we in the field of public health are well aware, we are all part of a global community. The collective trauma of conflicts, terror and human atrocities around the world affect us all.

As such, we would like to share some opportunities on UNC’s campus for people to come together and lean on each other’s collective strength in supportive and healing environments. The resources below may offer helpful opportunities for processing.

UNC Hillel
Over the coming days, UNC Hillel is offering a variety of spaces to discuss what is going on in Israel. You can see and RSVP to all the programming at their event portal.

UNC Center for Middle Eastern Studies
The UNC Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islamic Studies and the Curriculum of Peace, War and Defense is planning a panel discussion on key issues driving the conflict, the current situation and future implications. Please check their website for more details, which we anticipate will be posted soon.

Other resources – including friends, family and colleagues
Please reach out to friends, family, colleagues, advisors and instructors if you need a wise sounding board – and to offer your friendship and support to others. For those in need, additional support may be found through the following:

Please take care of yourselves and do not hesitate to reach out to me directly if you are struggling.

Dean Nancy Messonnier

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