American Body Composition Calculator for Researchers

The American Body Composition Calculator (ABCC) provides estimates of one’s percentage of body fat. The Calculator uses demographic and anthropometric measures, with or without bioelectrial impedance (BIA). Data from NHANES (1999-2006) were used to develop prediction equations for the calculation of body fat percentage using Dual-emission X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) as the criterion method. The equations are generalizable to the United States populations 8 year of age or older (with a few exceptions; see user manuals). The quality of the estimates from the equations is shown in Stevens, et al. (2015) and Stevens, et al. (2017).

Use of the ABCC requires access to Microsoft Word and SAS.

ABCC – Demographics and Anthropometrics

This zip file downloads the following three files that are needed to calculate body fat percentage using your data.

  • UserManual_Anthro.docx
  • ABCC_Anthro_Data.sas7bdat

ABCC – BIA, Demographics and Anthropometrics

This zip file downloads the following three files that are needed to calculate body fat percentage using your data.

  • UserManual_BIA.docx
  • ABCC_BIA_Data.sas7bdat

Please cite Stevens, et al. 2015 and/or Stevens et al. 2017 in works published in the scientific domain that use these equations. The equations may not be used commercially without written permission from Dr. Stevens.

Body fat percentage can be calculated for a single individual by accessing the American Body Composition Calculator for Individuals on the ABCC homepage.

To learn more about the science behind the American Body Composition Calculator, see the article published in the 2015 International Journal of Obesity.

More information about Dr. June Stevens and her research is available online.