Forever chemicals found in air pollution near Fayetteville manufacturing plant

November 22, 2022
Gillings researchers have identified several types of PFAS -- toxic substances commonly called "forever chemicals" -- in airborne particles near a manufacturing plant in Fayetteville, N.C., which are contributing to harmful pollution and environmental justice concerns in the community.

The Abstract: November 21, 2022

November 21, 2022
Faculty receive funding for new and interdisciplinary projects, and Gillings community members are honored for impact, research and scholarship.

The Abstract: November 7, 2022

November 7, 2022
Celebrating the life of Walter Lee Isaacs and recognizing new student and faculty research honors.

The Abstract: October 24, 2022

October 24, 2022
Amazing honors and new research from Gillings School faculty, students and alumni, who are continuing to be recognized for the impact they make on public health.

Humanitarian Health Initiative supports frontline response to improve maternal and child health in Sierra Leone

October 17, 2022
The Humanitarian Health Initiative worked with Sierra Leone nongovernmental organization Rural Health Care Initiative to increase the impact of its response to the country’s maternal mortality crisis.

Kryston receives inaugural environmental justice graduate research award from UNC Institute for the Environment

September 29, 2022
Amy Kryston, a graduate student at the Gillings School, has been named the inaugural recipient of the environmental justice graduate research award from the UNC Institute for the Environment.

How epidemiology researchers discuss race and ethnicity

September 28, 2022
How do you study race and racism when there’s no consensus on how these terms are used in research? New research from a collaborative team of doctoral students tackles this question and provides guidance for researchers across disciplines.

Research finds reduced prenatal, postpartum care among states with punitive prenatal substance use policies

September 19, 2022
Prenatal and postpartum care for those who engage in substance use during pregnancy is more likely to be delayed or inadequate in states with policies that consider prenatal substance use to be child abuse or that require health care providers to report prenatal substance use to child welfare agencies.

New study examines COVID-19 cases among UNC students during Fall 2020

September 15, 2022
During the Fall 2020 semester, UNC explored hybrid options to minimize COVID-19 transmission while still offering an on-campus experience for students. New research from the Gillings School sheds light on how this experience impacted COVID-19 cases among undergraduates.

The Abstract: August 29, 2022

August 29, 2022
Maman is named to the Academic Leadership Program fellowship, Helm-Murtagh publishes a new textbook, Bamogo joins the incoming cohort of Royster Society Fellows and Thomas is elected to the N.C Public Health Association executive committee.

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