Cold War cache of 100,000 baby teeth provides unique opportunity to understand long-term radiation effects

September 13, 2021
Discovery of a Cold War-era cache of baby teeth, collected during a landmark 1960s study of exposure to radioactive fallout, serves as a rare time capsule that Gillings School alumnus Joe Mangano hopes will increase our understanding of the relationship between radiation exposure and cancer.

Samuel-Ryals honored with prestigious Hettleman award

September 10, 2021
Dr. Cleo Samuel-Ryals, associate professor of health policy and management at the Gillings School, is one of four faculty members who have been awarded the 2021 Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prizes for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement.

NC Medicaid review suggests many infants with prenatal opioid exposure are born to those receiving treatment

September 9, 2021
A new study led by Dr. Anna Austin suggests that, among Medicaid patients in North Carolina, about half of infants with prenatal opioid exposure are born to people receiving medication for the treatment of opioid use disorder – and these babies are more likely to experience better outcomes after birth.

Human, swine waste pose dual threats to water quality after flooding

September 9, 2021
Scientists found several species of bacteria in floodwaters left behind by 2018’s Hurricane Florence, according to a new study from researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University.

Microeconomic interventions show potential to reduce HIV vulnerability among transgender women

September 9, 2021
Dr. Tonia Poteat and colleagues have published research on flexible microeconomic interventions, which can support gender affirming interventions, improve financial literacy and provide non-stigmatizing, living-wage employment for economically vulnerable transgender women. While not focused on HIV, such interventions have the potential to reduce the structural drivers of HIV risk.

Shaikh named co-director of UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center

September 8, 2021
Dr. Raz Shaikh has been named co-director of the UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center alongside fellow co-director Dr. Elizabeth Mayer-Davis.

Digital systems can improve quality of cancer care in low-resource settings

September 7, 2021
Gynecologic cancer contributes significantly to the number of cancer cases each year in Zambia, but weaknesses in referral, communication and coordination systems present challenges to care. Gillings School alumna Katerina Pattee is lead author of a recent article in the Journal of Cancer Policy describing an intervention to establish a low-cost digital system to manage information related to cancer care.

Students build community ties during inaugural Gillings Day of Service

September 3, 2021
To give incoming students an opportunity to make a public health impact in the local community, the Student Government Association at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health recently launched its first Day of Service.

Innovative programs awarded $40 million to advance gender equality

September 2, 2021
The Equality Can’t Wait Challenge awarded $40 million to projects with bold ideas to expand women’s power and influence in the United States. Dr. Nicole Bates, an alumna of the Gillings School, is director of strategic partnerships and initiatives at Pivotal Ventures.

New study gives insight into how often COVID-19 spreads through households

August 30, 2021
The study reports on how frequently COVID-19 spreads to other people living in the same household as someone diagnosed with the illness. The researchers emphasize that having many people living in one household is a major factor in infection risk, which disproportionately affects communities of color.

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