Which strategies will really make North Carolinians healthier?

August 18, 2022
Two teams of researchers from the Gillings School attempt to answer this question as part of the Policies and Programs section of the July issue of the North Carolina Medical Journal.

More steps per day tied with lower diabetes risk

August 18, 2022
"Our message is that people should take as many steps as possible throughout the day at any walk pace, trying to work in a brisk walk for part of the day to gain the greatest benefit in lowering their risk of diabetes."

Wiesman named associate dean for practice at UNC Gillings School

August 18, 2022
Dr. John Wiesman has been appointed associate dean for practice at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. In this senior leadership role, he will provide guidance to achieve the school’s vision and goals for putting public health training into action.

Beck to serve as interim chair for Gillings School’s Department of Nutrition

August 17, 2022
Dr. Melinda Beck has been named the interim chair of the Gillings School's Department of Nutrition, beginning September 1. She has been a faculty member at UNC since 1992 and joined the nutrition faculty in 1996.

Could an app help scientists understand wildfire smoke’s impact on cognition?

August 16, 2022
With help from the brain training app Lumosity, environmental health scientists found that adult attention spans are significantly lower in the hours and days after exposure to fine particulate matter and wildfire smoke. This finding was especially prominent in the western U.S., where wildfires have been increasing.

Gillings faculty complete innovative Round 6, COVID-19 GILs

August 12, 2022
Gillings faculty have recently completed four GILs, including two from Round 6 of GIL funding and two from the special COVID-19 round of funding. The results of their work have furthered our understanding of energy storage, brain health, environmental exposures, viral transmission, pandemic response and more.

Villarreal finds inspiration as Aspen Ideas: Health Fellow

August 10, 2022
Naya Villarreal, MPH — global health associate director for Research, Innovation and Global Solutions and adjunct assistant professor of health behavior at the Gillings School — was part of the prestigious cohort of 2022 Aspen Ideas: Health Fellows.

Wherever we go, microbes are with us. A new science center will examine the microbial communities of indoor spaces

August 10, 2022
Researchers in a new $26 million center will work to understand and engineer the microbiomes in our homes, workspaces and other built environments.

UNC, NC A&T receive $4M from NIH to increase diversity in nutrition, obesity and diabetes research

August 10, 2022
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases has awarded $4 million to support a collaboration between the UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center and the North Carolina Diabetes Research Center that will provide career advancement for nutrition, obesity and diabetes researchers from underrepresented groups and, ultimately, diversify the research workforce dedicated to investigating these chronic conditions.

Risk of death rises as climate change causes nighttime temperatures to climb

August 8, 2022
Mortality rates from excessively hot nights caused by climate change are predicted to increase up to 60% across three countries by the end of the century, according to a new study that includes climate research from Dr. Yuqiang Zhang at the Gillings School.

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