Brown investigates link between sanitation infrastructure and health in rural U.S.

April 8, 2021
Gillings School alumnus and faculty member Dr. Joe Brown is investigating the prevalence of sanitation-related pathogens in low-income communities in rural Alabama.

Chalachala works to improve maternal health and family planning in the DRC

April 6, 2021
Jean Lambert Chalachala has a calling: to improve the human condition. As a clinician and public health expert, the Gillings School alumnus has found ample opportunities to do just that – working in surgery, hospital administration, epidemic and crisis management, lactation support, family planning and more.

“Geography of risk” impacts analysis of racial inequities in COVID-19 deaths

April 5, 2021
In a new commentary, Gillings School epidemiologists call for an approach to monitoring COVID-19 data that compares risks across racial and ethnic demographics in order to create a more equitable response to the pandemic.

Testing boundaries of post-vaccination life

March 29, 2021
A clinical trial at U.S. college campuses, co-led by Dr. Audrey Pettifor, will test if COVID-19 vaccines prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

What is an innovation champion — and how can we support them?

March 23, 2021
Dr. Christopher M. Shea of the Department of Health Policy and Management proposes a new model of research on implementation champion impact, with the ultimate goal of disseminating evidence-based tools for health system leaders to support champions within their organizations.

Lancet commentary seeks to correct COVID-19 vaccine misinformation

March 18, 2021
As part of The Lancet’s Commission on COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics Task Force, Dr. Timothy Sheahan has contributed to a new primer for health care providers addressing common misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.

New ozone air pollution maps support Global Burden of Disease study

March 8, 2021
New research led by UNC Gillings School students and faculty has mapped global ground-level ozone concentrations by year using a data fusion. This is the first time this method has been applied to ozone observations globally. The findings were used by the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study, which estimated that about 365,000 people around the world died in 2019 from exposure to ozone pollution.

The next generation of public health leaders must focus on human rights

March 4, 2021
Twelve students from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill teamed up to publish a perspective in the American Journal of Public Health about why and how they — the next generation of public health leaders — must center human rights in their work.

Health policy and management researchers win 2021 Willard Manning Award

March 4, 2021
The International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics has announced that a paper featuring the work of Dr. Marisa Domino and Dr. Joseph Morrissey has won the 2021 Willard Manning Award in Mental Health Policy and Economics Research.

Gertner wins 2021 Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award in social sciences

March 3, 2021
Dr. Alex Gertner, a 2020 alumnus in health policy and management, is the recipient of The Graduate School Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award in the field of social sciences for his dissertation “Quality and Access of Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Medicaid.”

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