Survival probability is deciding factor in American perceptions of COVID-19 triage

January 4, 2021
Americans believe that scarce beds in hospital intensive care units should be given to COVID-19 patients who have the highest chances of survival, according to new research led by UNC-Chapel Hill.

Mental health crisis among public health professionals requires urgent action

December 21, 2021
Public health workers are facing a mounting mental health crisis as they encounter prolonged challenges in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Responding to this crisis should be a top priority for public health leaders, according to a new article by Drs. John Wiesman and Ed Baker.

Four-year study highlights complexity of diabetes health inequities

December 21, 2021
A recent article published online by the journal Diabetes Care aims to untangle racial and ethnic health disparities that affect youth and young adults with Type 1 diabetes.

New NSF-funded study to examine aerosol impact on cloud formation

December 14, 2021
New NSF-funded research from Texas A&M University, the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and Purdue University will examine aerosol and cloud interactions, which have major implications for climate models and predictions.

Produce prescriptions can save money. New project asks how much?

December 13, 2021
Food prescription programs provide monthly benefits to help people buy fresh fruits and vegetables, and these programs have already been shown to improve health outcomes. A $765,000 grant from The Duke Endowment will fund research by Dr. Shu Wen Ng, Distinguished Scholar in Public Health Nutrition, to produce evidence related to a new facet of these programs: return on investment in the form of improved health and lower health care costs for individuals and communities.

Checking in with COVID-19 Gillings Innovation Labs

November 24, 2021
Five of the COVID-19 research projects funded through a special round of Gillings Innovation Laboratory awards (GILs) have now been completed, and the two remaining are expected to wrap in early 2022. Their work has been critical in influencing local and global pandemic response efforts through policy, practice and community engagement.

9 Gillings School faculty members named to Clarivate's annual Highly Cited Researchers list

November 16, 2021
Nine academics from the Gillings School were recently named to the 2021 Highly Cited Researchers list from Clarivate. The highly anticipated annual list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their chosen field or fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade.

UNC awarded $5M for READDI collaboration to prevent future pandemics

November 11, 2021
RTI International, a nonprofit research institute, announced the winner of its Forethought Research Collaboration Challenge. The group of researchers working to combat the next pandemic, led by experts at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will receive $5 million in seed funding to produce antiviral drugs for the future.

Gillings School report: Stay alert for ticks in Orange County

November 10, 2021
People who enjoy parks and trails in Chapel Hill and surrounding areas should be on the lookout for ticks, according to recent findings from epidemiology researchers at the Gillings School.

Building a better bassinet

November 9, 2021
Carolina faculty helped develop an innovative hospital bassinet that enables breastfeeding and chestfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, and mother-infant bonding while improving newborn safety.

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