Pictures on cigarette packs, warning of smoking dangers, increased quit attempts among smokers

June 6, 2016 Affixing pictures on cigarette packs to illustrate the dangers of smoking increased attempts by smokers to quit, according to the findings of a University of North Carolina... Read more »

Gene expression patterns of normal tissue linked to breast cancer prognosis, study finds

May 26, 2016 Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have identified a particular gene expression pattern in normal-appearing breast tissue around tumors that was linked to... Read more »

Gammon and colleagues respond to international study on exercise and cancer risk reduction

May 20, 2016 An invited commentary, co-written by two UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health researchers and a Gillings School alumna now at Emory University, concurs with the “exciting... Read more »

Stamm discusses Zika virus in JAMA ‘Viewpoint’

May 19, 2016 Much media attention has been given to the spread of Zika virus in South America, but the mosquito-borne virus also poses a seasonal threat to more than... Read more »

Promise of nearly a year of life on targeted drug not reality for all liver cancer patients, study finds

May 16, 2016 For advanced liver cancer, there’s a single approved drug shown to offer patients a chance at longer life. But a new study co-authored by two researchers in... Read more »

Two studies address link between obesity and basal-like breast cancer

April 7, 2016 Recent work from the laboratory of Liza Makowski, PhD, assistant professor of nutrition at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, explores two possibilities for breaking... Read more »

Study finds no evidence that phthalates are responsible for increased childhood obesity

April 6, 2016 Jessie Buckley, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health’s Department of Epidemiology, was featured in the “Science Selection” section of... Read more »

Seven from Gillings School receive Impact Awards; fellowships presented to other public health scholars

March 23, 2016 Students from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health earned seven of the 17 Impact Awards presented by the Graduate School in 2016. The awards, made... Read more »

UNC epidemiology study: New SARS-like virus may be nearly ready to infect humans

March 15, 2016 A study led by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that a SARS-like virus known as WIV1-CoV, which is found in horseshoe... Read more »

Gillings researchers find link between number of births and heart disease risk factors in Hispanic/Latina population

March 10, 2016 Six researchers at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health are co-authors of a recently published article linking the numbers of times Hispanic/Latina women give birth... Read more »

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