Students selected as 2018 Winston Policy Scholars

June 10, 2018 Master's students Micaela Acomb, Nisha Vashist and Anna Leonard recently were named 2018 Winston Policy Scholars.

Picture warnings on cigarette packs change behavior because they are upsetting and memorable, study finds

May 31, 2018 In a 2014-2015 study, researchers from UNC Gillings found that pictorial warnings on cigarette packs led to more quit attempts than did text-only warnings. Now, a follow-up study has sought to identify the precise psychological mechanisms that explain why pictorial warnings are so much more effective at changing smokers’ behavior.

Edith Parker, Gillings alumna, named dean of UI College of Public Health

May 24, 2018 Dr. Edith Parker, a two-time alumna of the Gillings School's Department of Health Behavior, has been named dean of the University of Iowa College of Public Health.

Lytle honored as ‘hall of fame’ alumna at Purdue

May 24, 2018 Dr. Leslie Lytle, UNC Gillings professor of health behavior and nutrition, was inducted into the ‘Hall of Fame’ on May 3 by Purdue University’s Department of Nutrition Science.

Researchers find fewer young people are completing the HPV vaccine series, urge better compliance

May 18, 2018 UNC researchers led by doctoral student Jennifer Spencer have reported in a new study that follow-through on the HPV vaccine – the percentage of those who complete the series within a year of receiving their first dose – has fallen dramatically. The drop is problematic, given that timely completion of the vaccine series protects those who are sexually active from a number of reproductive system cancers, notably cervical and anal cancers. Photo by VCU CNS.

Study examines sustained effects of NC’s Medicaid ‘lock-in’ program on prescription drugs

May 17, 2018 A study led by Dr. Rebecca Naumann and other Gillings School faculty members has reviewed North Carolina’s Medicaid “lock-in” program and the program’s impact upon the number of opioid prescriptions obtained. Photo by Virginia Commonwealth University Capital News Service.

Gillings School researchers join ‘creativity hubs’ to fight obesity, improve water access

May 8, 2018
Eighteen researchers from the Gillings School are part of the two newly awarded Carolina Creativity Hubs, which will leverage interdisciplinary work to fight obesity and improve water access.

Eight faculty members win Teaching Innovation Awards

April 22, 2018 Eight faculty members were selected by students at the Gillings School as the 2018 Teaching Innovation Award winners. They are Dr. Carolyn Crump, Amanda Holliday, Dr. Whitney Robinson, Kathy Roggenkamp, Dr. Meghan Shanahan, Dr. Jason Surratt, Dr. Justin Trogdon and Dr. Vaughn Upshaw.

Gillings School students claim 7 of Graduate School’s 22 Impact and Horizon awards

April 4, 2018 Seven graduate students from the UNC Gillings School won the Graduate School's Impact and Horizon awards, established to recognize research that benefits the people of North Carolina.

Federal panel calls for urgent collaborative action to align cancer drug prices with value

March 13, 2018 The President's Cancer Panel, chaired by Dean Barbara K. Rimer, reports that urgent action must be taken to address the dramatic rise of cancer drug prices and to better align prices with value.

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