Study suggests decreasing time spent depressed could improve HIV outcomes

February 21, 2018 For patients living with HIV, depression is common. A new study links greater time spent depressed with increased likelihood of missing medical appointments, increased risk of HIV treatment failure and higher mortality rates.

Study finds self-collected specimens comparable to physician-collected specimens for STI screening accuracy

February 8, 2018 A new study in Nairobi, Kenya, found that self-collection of specimens was comparable to physician-collection for the screening of four sexually transmitted infections in a population of female sex workers.

Health indicators for newborns of breast cancer survivors may vary by cancer type

February 6, 2018 For breast cancer survivors, the risk of giving birth prematurely, and of other health concerns for their newborns, may depend upon the type of breast cancer they had, according to a study led by Dr. Hazel Nichols. The study was published Jan. 4 in the International Journal of Cancer.

UNC study links low carbohydrate intake to increased risk of birth defects

January 25, 2018 Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant may want to avoid diets that reduce or eliminate carbohydrates, as such diets could increase the risk of having babies with neural tube birth defects, according to a study led by Dr. Tania Desrosiers.

MEASURE Evaluation project scores $232M for social science research, UNC’s largest-ever award

January 24, 2018 MEASURE Evaluation, a 5-year cooperative agreement funded by USAID and directed by Dr. Jim Thomas (left) recently received another $52 million in USAID support, making the project the recipient of UNC's largest-ever award — a total of $231.9 million.

Rosamond awarded translational research grant to explore public health use of aerial drones

January 2, 2018 Dr. Wayne Rosamond has been awarded funding to determine the feasibility of having drones deliver automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to locations where they are needed. The NC TraCS/NCSU Collaborative Translational Research Pilot Grant Program awarded the grant.

Dasgupta examines social and economic factors that fuel opioid crisis

December 22, 2017 Dr. Nabarun Dasgupta is author of an American Journal of Public Health commentary that examines the deep social, economic and other societal problems that contribute to the opioid crisis in America.

Gopal delivers winter commencement address

December 18, 2017 Dr. Satish Gopal, alumnus and adjunct faculty member in epidemiology, delivered the 2017 winter commencement address on Dec. 17. More than 1,160 students were awarded undergraduate, master's, doctoral or professional degrees at the mid-year commencement. Photo at left by Jon Gardiner.

New study found no increased heart attack risk in users of proton pump inhibitors

November 30, 2017 Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are medications commonly used for conditions like acid reflux. Doctoral student Suzanne Landi led a recent study that negates earlier reports by finding no increased risk of heart attack among PPI users compared with non-users. These results have important implications for physicians and patients.

American Indians, Alaskan Natives have lower five-year cancer survival rate than whites, even in urban areas

November 29, 2017 Earlier research has found that American Indians and Alaskan Natives have the lowest five-year cancer survival rate of any racial/ethnic group in the United States. A new study led by doctoral student Marc Emerson specifically addresses the cancer experience of American Indians and Alaskan Natives residing in urban settings.

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