Solitary confinement linked with increased risk of death after release from prison

October 17, 2019
Incarcerated individuals who were placed in restrictive housing in North Carolina from 2000 to 2015 were 24% more likely to die in the first year after their release, compared to those who were not held in restrictive housing. In addition, people held in restrictive housing were 78% more likely to die from suicide, 54% more likely to die from homicide and 127% more likely to die from an opioid overdose in the first two weeks after their release.

Can a screening for social determinants of health effectively inform children's health care?

October 7, 2019
A study by students and faculty at the UNC Gillings School explored whether screening tools that examine social determinants of health in children can accurately identify early indicators of risk. Based on the researchers' comprehensive review of existing literature, it remains unclear whether such screenings — which aim to consider risk factors outside traditional medical information — inform better care for children.

Three public health students receive Fulbright awards

September 27, 2019
The recipients are doctoral student Melissa Stockton and Bachelor of Science in Public Health graduates Erin Danford and Abigail Gancz.

UNC grad student to explore link between substance use disorders, firearm-related suicide  

September 23, 2019
Do substance use disorders and long-term opioid therapy have a connection with firearm-related suicide? Josie Caves Sivaraman, a doctoral student of epidemiology at the UNC Gillings School and graduate research assistant at UNC's Injury Prevention Research Center, will use a $25,000 grant to investigate this question.

UNC faculty member urges academics to prepare for future of epidemiology

September 20, 2019
Dr. Andrew Olshan feels the best way to implement change in the evolving field of epidemiology is through developing a clear vision for how to train future students.

Less TV, more activity may mean extra years free of heart disease and stroke

September 17, 2019
Past research has shown people who are highly physically active tend to live more years free of cardiovascular disease. But researchers of a study published recently in the Journal of the American Heart Association wanted to look specifically at how TV viewing habits fit into the equation.

Lock-in programs connect patients to drug treatment, but don’t reduce risk of opioid overdose

September 17, 2019
Lock-in programs for individuals at risk for opioid misuse appear to have little effect on overdoses — a finding that points to a need for improved program design.

Gillings School notes the passing of Joan Huntley, friend and former faculty member

August 28, 2019
Dr. Joan Cornoni Huntley of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, died August 5 at North Carolina Memorial Hospital following a sudden illness. She was 88 years old.

Gillings School redoubles efforts on implementation science and HIV in South Africa

August 20, 2019
What connects South Africa, the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, and public health teaching and research? Two words: Implementation science.

History of missed medical visits predicts who is most likely to fall out of HIV care

August 20, 2019
HIV patients who missed medical visits within the past year are more likely to be no-shows in the future, according to new research from the Gillings School. This finding offers insight on how providers can proactively identify patients at risk of missing visits and take steps to support their appearance at future appointments.

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