The Abstract: August 16, 2021

August 16, 2021
The Abstract: Learn more about the impact of Fast Grants on COVID-19 research. Meet Siani Antoine, who came to the Gillings School from The Graduate School's Summer Undergraduate Pipeline program. Humanitarian Health Fellow Dr. Dilshad Jaff publishes a new article on the effect of chemical weapon usage.

Santana inducted into The Bahia Academy of Medicine

August 13, 2021
Dr. Vilma S. Santana, alumna of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, was inducted into Brazil's Academia de Medicine da Bahia (Bahia Academy of Medicine) in late May 2021.

New study aims to help stroke survivors achieve blood pressure goals

July 28, 2021
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute has awarded the Wake Forest School of Medicine and the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health a $29.9 million grant to help stroke survivors prevent a second stroke by controlling blood pressure.

Carolina to lead $15 million statewide COVID-19 surveillance program funded by NC Policy Collaboratory

July 26, 2021
A new surveillance program, led by UNC-Chapel Hill's Dirk Dittmer, Amir Barzin and Audrey Pettifor, will collect, sequence and share data on SARS-CoV-2 samples from across the state, providing real-time information on variants circulating in North Carolina.

Rise of the 'disease detectives' — UNC’s new online applied epidemiology concentration

July 13, 2021
Beginning in fall 2021, the UNC Gillings School is adding Applied Epidemiology as a third concentration in its online Master of Public Health program.

Study testing how well COVID-19 vaccine prevents spread of SARS-CoV-2 among university students expands to include young adults not in college

July 6, 2021
The Prevent COVID U study, which launched in late March 2021 to evaluate SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission among university students vaccinated with the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, has expanded beyond the college setting. The study is now enrolling young adults ages 18 through 29 years — both those who want to be vaccinated and those who choose not to receive a vaccine.

New universal vaccine effectively targets coronaviruses

June 22, 2021
Scientists at the UNC Gillings School have developed a universal vaccine that could protect against COVID-19, its variants — and the next coronavirus pandemic.

Ancestral diversity affects biomarkers of kidney function, study finds

June 3, 2021
DNA methylation (DNAm) is known to be linked with kidney function, but earlier research had not revealed whether human diversity affects this association. Now, a study has reported several new trans-ethnic and ethnic-specific DNAm associations with kidney function. This is an important finding for public health because it informs future steps to understand and address epigenomic diversity.

Expertscape recognizes several Gillings faculty as top-rated in their fields

May 27, 2021
Expertscape, an online database that assesses and ranks the expertise and contributions of physicians and medical institutions worldwide, rated multiple UNC biomedical researchers as top-rated experts in their fields for its 2021 rankings.

Taking more steps daily may lead to a longer life

May 20, 2021
Taking more steps per day, either all at once or in shorter spurts, may help you live longer, according to preliminary research to be presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle & Cardiometabolic Health Conference 2021.

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