Forever chemicals found in air pollution near Fayetteville manufacturing plant

November 22, 2022
Gillings researchers have identified several types of PFAS -- toxic substances commonly called "forever chemicals" -- in airborne particles near a manufacturing plant in Fayetteville, N.C., which are contributing to harmful pollution and environmental justice concerns in the community.

The Abstract: November 21, 2022

November 21, 2022
Faculty receive funding for new and interdisciplinary projects, and Gillings community members are honored for impact, research and scholarship.

Gillings wildfire smoke research bolstered by EPA’s Science to Achieve Results program

November 18, 2022
A research team led by Dr. Julia Rager has received more than $500,000 in funding from the EPA's Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program to study toxic mixtures of chemicals in wildfire smoke.

Strategic planning retreat explores financial loss and uncertainty amid environmental events

November 14, 2022
The UNC Center on Financial Risk in Environmental Systems (CoFiRES) held its sixth annual Strategic Planning Retreat at the Morehead Planetarium on Oct. 14. CoFiRES is a partnership between the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and UNC’s Institute for the Environment, which seeks to quantify the financial losses associated with extreme environmental events, such as droughts, floods, heatwaves and hurricanes.

Gillings School experts named to Clarivate's 2022 Highly Cited Researchers List

November 15, 2022
Clarivate has named 14 academics from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health to their 2022 list of Highly Cited Researchers™.

The Abstract: November 7, 2022

November 7, 2022
Celebrating the life of Walter Lee Isaacs and recognizing new student and faculty research honors.

National Academies report urges further research on public health impact of wildland-urban fires

October 28, 2022
Dr. Barbara Turpin is part of a panel of experts commissioned by the National Academies to address the need for critical research into the chemistry of wildfires that encroach into developed communities and can cause long-term health harm.

The Abstract: October 24, 2022

October 24, 2022
Amazing honors and new research from Gillings School faculty, students and alumni, who are continuing to be recognized for the impact they make on public health.

Improved toilets have positive impacts on quality of life, new measure shows

October 13, 2022
New research in Maputo, Mozambique, suggests there are broader benefits of high-quality toilets beyond reducing infectious disease.

Kryston receives inaugural environmental justice graduate research award from UNC Institute for the Environment

September 29, 2022
Amy Kryston, a graduate student at the Gillings School, has been named the inaugural recipient of the environmental justice graduate research award from the UNC Institute for the Environment.

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