Vincent Toups, PhD

Senior Data Scientist
Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center
Adjunct Instructor
Department of Biostatistics


 Vincent Toups is a senior data scientist with experience in scientific and software engineering roles. At the CSCC, he is interested in building usable, reliable data science environments and advocating for modern, highly traceable and reproducible data science methods.

After interdisciplinary research in neuroscience during his Physics PhD, Vincent has worked as a software engineer and data scientist. At Xylem he oversaw the development of the standard data science practices which ensured that projects were portable, reproducible and well documented.

Representative Courses

BIOS 611: Introduction to Data Science

Staff/Administrative Duties

At the CSCC, Vincent works on the BACPAC project where he serves as an intermediary between the technical staff and scientists working with our solutions. Among his more important goals, beyond providing his perspective as a data scientist, is to advocate for ergonomics for researchers using the systems.


  • PhD, Physics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009