July 28, 2018

The International AIDS Society (IAS) HIV Co-Infections and Co-Morbidities Initiative has awarded MEASURE Evaluation a top prize for its abstract investigating a strategy to improve outcomes for people co-infected with HIV and tuberculosis (TB).

Dr. Sian Curtis

Dr. Sian Curtis

Sian Curtis, PhD, associate professor of maternal and child health at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and senior evaluation specialist at MEASURE Evaluation, is a co-author of the report, “How does integrating HIV and TB services affect health outcomes for HIV-TB co-infected patients in Ukraine? Results from an impact evaluation,” from which the abstract was drawn.

The award—the IAS TB/HIV Research Prize—was presented July 27 at the 22nd International AIDS Society annual conference in Amsterdam. MEASURE Evaluation was one of five winners for its work in Ukraine, which found programs integrating TB and HIV care resulted in a significant increase in timely initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among coinfected patients. Timely initiation of ART has been shown to reduce viral load and prolong life for HIV-infected people.

MEASURE Evaluation, which is housed in UNC-Chapel Hill’s Carolina Population Center, is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

The award-winning abstract can be seen online.


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