Sian Curtis, PhD
Sian Curtis in the Gillings News
Honors and Awards
International Aids Society TB/HIV research award
2018, International AIDS Society
President's Award for Excellence
1995, Macro International, Inc.
Representative Courses
MHCH 716 International Family Planning and Reproductive Health
MHCH724: Abortion Care and Policy
Research Activities
Contraceptive use dynamics; international reproductive and maternal health; monitoring and evaluation methods for population and health programs; multilevel models; statistical demography.
Service Activities
2019 - present: Co-chair, Gillings School of Global Public Health Conflict of Interest Committee
2022 - present: Director of MCH doctoral program.
Practice Activities
2017 Session organizer and chair: fertility, family planning and sexual health: policies and programs, annual meetings of the Population Association of America
2012-present Technical assistance to USAID/Bangladesh for design and implementation of impact evaluations for their maternal and child health programs, the 2013 urban health survey, the 2016 Bangladesh maternal mortality and morbidity survey, and the 2018 Adolescent Health and Welfare Survey
Key Publications
Development of Integration Indexes to Determine the Extent of Family Planning and Child Immunization Services Integration in Health Facilities in Urban Areas of Nigeria. 3. Sheahan, K, Weinberger, M, Speizer, I, Curtis, SL, Paul, JE, Bennet, AV. (2021). BMC Reproductive Health, 18.
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Women’s perspectives on amenorrhea as a contraceptive side effect in Burkina Faso and Uganda. Mackenzie, A*, Curtis, SL, Callahan, RL, Tolley, EE; Speizer, IS, Martin, SL.; Brunie, A. (2020). International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 46.
If the big fish are doing it then why not me down here?": A qualitative assessment of informal fee payments and healthcare provider motivation in Kenya. Tumlinson, K, Gichane, M, and Curtis, SL. (2020). Studies in Family Planning, 51(3), 33-50.
What works best for ensuring treatment adherence. Lessons from a social support program for people treated for tuberculosis in Ukraine. Charyeva, Z, Curtis SL, Mullen, S, Senik, T, Zalyznyak, O. (2019). PLoS ONE, 14(8).
Understanding Healthcare Provider Absenteeism in Kenya: A Qualitative Analysis. . Tumlinson, K, Gichane, M, Curtis, SL, and LeMaster, K. (2019). BMC Health Services Research, 19(1).
The impact of India's accredited social health activist (ASHA) programme on the utilization of maternity services: a nationally representative longitudinal study. Agarwal, S*, Curtis SL, Angeles, G, Speizer I, Singh Ongechi, K, Thomas, J. (2019). Human Resources for Health, 17(68).
Are Community Health Workers effective in retaining women in the maternity care continuum? Evidence from India. Agarwal, S*, Curtis SL, Angeles, G, Speizer I, Singh Ongechi, K, Thomas, J. (2019). BMJ Global Health, 4(4).
Gender norms and modern contraceptive use in urban Nigeria: a multilevel longitudinal study. C Okigbo, I Speizer, M Domino, S Curtis, C Halpern, J Fotso (2018). BMC women's health, 18(1), 178.
Contraceptive Practices, Preferences, and Barriers Among Abortion Clients in North Carolina. A Bryant, I Speizer, J Hodgkinson, A Swiatlo, S Curtis, K Perreira (2018). Southern medical journal, 111(6), 317-323.
Evaluating the impact of social support services on tuberculosis treatment default in Ukraine. M Priedeman Skiles, S Curtis, G Angeles, S Mullen, T Senik (2018). PloS one, 13(8), e0199513.
Obstetric fistula in Bangladesh: Estimates from a national survey with clinical validation correction. Ahmed, S, Curtis SL, Jamil, K, Nahar, Q, Rahman, M, Huda, SKN, Mannan, II, Khan, S, Alam, A, Weaver, EH and El Arifeen, S. (2022). Lancet Global Health.
The role of institutional delivery and newborn care in preventing early-neonatal mortality in Bangladesh. E Ijdi, R, Tumlinson, K, and Curtis, SL. (2022). PLoS One.
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Assessing the reliability of the retrospective reproductive calendar: evidence from urban Kenya. Tumlinson, K and Curtis, SL (2021). Stud Fam Plann..
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- PhD, Social Statistics, University of Southampton, UK, 1992
- MSc, Statistics, University of Southampton, UK, 1989
- BSc, Mathematics, University of Southampton, UK, 1987