May 4, 2015

A gift that will keep giving

Planned giving
is a perfect mechanism for those of us who aren’t wealthy but want to leave behind something important — a statement of our priorities, passions and values. I couldn’t immediately establish an endowed scholarship, but my lifetime of work would accumulate such that I could fund a scholarship at the time of my passing. When my husband and I revised our wills several years ago, we agreed that resources from my estate would be allocated for an endowed scholarship.

UNCGillings_75thAnniv_LogoThe Irving and Joan Rimer Scholarship is a way for me to honor my parents in a tangible and lasting manner. The gift connects our collective past to the future of young people passionate about changing the world for the better.

I am so glad that I was able to do this before my parents passed away. As people who never imagined a scholarship being named for them, they were joyfully surprised and moved by what they understood the scholarship represented — an enduring act of love, commitment and gratitude toward them and a statement of our belief in the future.

This gift has given me more joy than I ever could have imagined — and it will keep giving.

Barbara K. Rimer, DrPH
Dean and Alumni Distinguished Professor
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health

To learn more about planned giving, please visit

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