May 20, 2024

Dr. Pete Andrews

Dr. Pete Andrews

In May, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill lost esteemed colleague Professor Emeritus Richard N. L. “Pete” Andrews, PhD, a faculty member since 1981. Andrews was professor emeritus in the Department of Public Policy, UNC College of Arts and Sciences; as well as in the Department of City and Regional Planning and in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, the Environment, Ecology and Energy Program, and the Carolina Institute for the Environment. From 2004 to 2009 he held the first Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Professorship in Public Policy.

A pillar of the University and leading scholar on environmental policy, Andrews embodied the interdisciplinarity at the root of public policy as an academic endeavor, committed to tackling public problems—especially environmental challenges—with a variety of methods over the course of a distinguished career. He was instrumental to the growth of Public Policy as a department at UNC-CH, and his classic account of United States environmental policy, Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves: A History of American Environmental Policy 3rd ed. (Yale University Press, 2020), remains the standard in the field.

Please see his full In Memoriam from the Department of Public Policy for more, including reflections from former graduate students.

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