New UNC study quantifies $562M in financial risk from Hurricane Florence using novel modeling approach that evaluates risk of mortgage default and property abandonment

March 31, 2023
A new study from Carolina researchers estimates $562 million in previously unquantified financial risks arising from property value changes and uninsured flood damages in eastern North Carolina as a result of Hurricane Florence.

Remembering Chirayath (Suchi) Suchindran

March 29, 2023
Dr. Chirayath (Suchi) Madhavan Suchindran, fellow emeritus at the Carolina Population Center and professor emeritus of the Department of Biostatistics at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, passed away on Saturday, March 25, 2023.

Kosorok honored with George W. Snedecor Award

March 24, 2023
Dr. Michael R. Kosorok has been named the 2023 recipient of the George W. Snedecor Award from the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies.

Two UNC scholars win 2023 Engaged Scholarship Prizes

March 23, 2023
Dr. Dane Emmerling and Elana Jaffe are the recipients of the 2023 Engaged Scholarship Prizes, which honors their scholarship to address public issues, engage communities in collaborative processes that produce or apply knowledge, advance service-learning and civic engagement in higher education, and disseminate their work to a broader public.

‘Every little bit helps’: The broad benefits of getting active

March 22, 2023
While it might be hard to make time for exercise, incorporating physical activity can start with small tweaks in daily routines, according to Gillings School researchers, and those changes can lead to longer, healthier lives.

Gillings School students visit RTI headquarters for annual PHield Trip

March 22, 2023
The Gillings School’s annual PHield Trip immerses students in the work of public health partners like RTI.

Researchers explore ‘immune imprinting’ as part of search for norovirus vaccine

March 21, 2023
Developing an effective norovirus vaccine would be an enormous win for global health — but researchers face a major challenge in the sheer diversity of the virus.

Why don’t high-income countries provide clean water and sanitation for all?

March 21, 2023
An article published online March 14 by The Lancet Global Health explores what one researcher calls “the unfinished business of water and sanitation in rich countries.”

U.S. Catholic hospitals saw more than 500,000 births in 2020, according to UNC-Duke research

March 21, 2023
Researchers at UNC and Duke have found that, in 2020, more than 500,000 U.S. births occurred in Catholic hospitals, which may not provide a full range of reproductive health care. Catholic hospitals were the predominant option for delivery care in more than 10% of U.S. counties, and many had no available alternative.

The Abstract: March 20, 2023

March 20, 2023
Manga receives Global Engineering Award for water and sanitation work, and Platt informs Congress about tick-borne disease.

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