Pancreatic cancer researchers receive large grant from National Cancer Institute

October 19, 2022
The National Cancer Institute awarded $9.3 million in support of two five-year research projects led by researchers at UNC.

COVID-19 vaccines, boosters and prior infection provide durable protection against severe outcomes of infection

September 27, 2022
A new JAMA study of more than 10 million North Carolinians highlights just how effective COVID-19 vaccines, boosters and prior infection can be, both in reducing the risk of future infection and in preventing hospitalization and death.

The Abstract: September 26, 2022

September 26, 2022
Lin leads new research into COVID-19 vaccine protections, Planey receives funding to study expansion of health systems, West talks climate change with the Weather Channel and Browne receives leadership award.

Lin’s New England Journal of Medicine article makes case for children’s COVID-19 boosters

September 15, 2022
Dr. Danyu Lin led research recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine that assesses the level of immunity conferred by COVID-19 vaccination or previous SARS-CoV-2 infection among children. The findings provide crucial information for making decisions about vaccine boosters for children.

New study examines COVID-19 cases among UNC students during Fall 2020

September 15, 2022
During the Fall 2020 semester, UNC explored hybrid options to minimize COVID-19 transmission while still offering an on-campus experience for students. New research from the Gillings School sheds light on how this experience impacted COVID-19 cases among undergraduates.

The Abstract: September 12, 2022

September 12, 2022
Dept. of Biostatistics is no. 1 among doctoral and undergraduate degree-granting programs in biostatistics, Kinue Beugre is featured by Science magazine and the NIH, and the public health community remembers Dr. Melvin Pinn Jr.

Kosorok named president-elect of Institute of Mathematical Statistics

August 30, 2022
Dr. Michael R. Kosorok has been named president-elect of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a nonprofit organization that fosters the development and dissemination of theory and applications of statistics and probability.

Monaco named assistant dean of undergraduate degree programs

August 29, 2022
Dr. Jane Monaco will serve as the Gillings School's assistant dean of undergraduate degree programs beginning Sept. 1.

More steps per day tied with lower diabetes risk

August 18, 2022
"Our message is that people should take as many steps as possible throughout the day at any walk pace, trying to work in a brisk walk for part of the day to gain the greatest benefit in lowering their risk of diabetes."

The Abstract: August 15, 2022

August 15, 2022
Hincapie-Castillo assesses COVID-19 dashboards in public schools, Rothenberg is named RTI International's Mentee of the Year and students from biostatistics are honored for research.

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