Could drones be the key to increasing defibrillator use during a heart attack?

September 16, 2020
Each year, more than 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests take place in the United States. An estimated 90% of the people who experience one do not survive. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a team led by Dr. Wayne Rosamond describes a new method to give bystanders life-saving access to AEDs: drone delivery.

Students' winning policy proposal calls for COVID-19 care navigation in NC prisons, jails

September 15, 2020
UNC Gillings student Nikhil Rao and his team won a recent COVID-19 Policy Hackathon. The team’s winning policy proposal, titled "Need for Care Navigation Program for Inmates within North Carolina Public Carceral Facilities," called for the N.C. Department of Public Safety and Department of Health and Human Services to intervene to alleviate COVID-19 burden on one of the state’s most vulnerable populations.

Are first-year students first-aid ready?

September 10, 2020
Kate Leo and Hannah Tuckman — both juniors at the Gillings School — have launched an effort to provide UNC students with first-aid kits while sharing campus health care resources. funds UNC, VUMC research into COVID-19 genetic impact

September 10, 2020
Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt University Medical Center have been awarded $500,000 by Google’s philanthropy,, to study how COVID-19 alters gene expression in some people in ways that may be linked to their risk of severe illness and death.

Villanueva launches fund to aid Native American communities during pandemic

September 8, 2020
Gillings alumnus Edgar Villanueva started the Decolonizing Wealth Project (DWP) to help funders give more equitably. The DWP’s Liberated Capital fund recently launched the Native American Community Response Fund, directing $2 million to help heavily impacted communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

To reduce food waste, changes in date labeling, marketing and consumer behavior are needed

September 2, 2020
A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) identifies promising strategies for reducing consumer food waste nationwide, including a national campaign to change consumer behavior, federal standardization of food date labeling, and changes to retailer marketing and food service practices, among other measures.
