Wellness Wednesday: Suicide Awareness

This course will discuss why suicide occurs, the risk factors associated with it and how to intervene with those who are at risk. Employees register online. Students email totalwellbeing@unc.edu

Wellness Wednesday: Mental Health Awareness

At one time or another, everyone experiences symptoms of mental illness. Too frequently the response to such symptoms in the workplace is confusion, fear, judgment, avoidance and outright rejection. This leads to a worsening of symptoms and a deterioration of performance. This training is designed to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and to... Read more »

Wellness Wednesday: Unconscious Bias

We all hold biases we aren’t aware of. Many of these biases are necessary to make quick decisions as we go about our day—which street to avoid when driving or... Read more »

Wellness Wednesday: Emotional Intelligence

Implementing discipline over our emotional life is difficult and requires lifelong practice. Being able to choose to act or respond in a particular manner is preferable to reacting on a... Read more »

Loving…YOU! The Art of Self-Acceptance

To live a fulfilling, serene, happy life, we must learn to love and accept ourselves, flaws and all. This workshop covers the basics of self-acceptance, factors that contribute to a poor self-image and practical tips for loving yourself unconditionally. Workshop Objectives: At the end of this workshop, you will be able to -Define self-acceptance and... Read more »

Gratitude: A Skill for Happier Living

Gratitude is a skill anyone can learn as an alternative to regret and fear. We can focus on the positive elements of our lives with a few simple practices. Providing... Read more »

Financial Planning for Life

Workshop Objectives: At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: • Understand the importance of having realistic financial goals clearly defined • Recognize the importance of managing your finances to address these goals • Develop achievable steps to stay on track • Take appropriate action to monitor progress toward the goals and... Read more »

Paying Off Debt While Building Wealth

This session will focus on developing financial plans and strategies to address the dual goals of having a plan for paying off debt, while also contributing to building personal wealth. This session covers the basics (or essentials) of each area and describes practical techniques that can help you to formulate your own plan to manage... Read more »

Using Guided Imagery for Wellness and Stress Reduction

Guided imagery helps people mentally focus on pleasant images that encourage feelings of relaxation, utilizing the connection between body and mind. A person can call on mental images to improve emotional health. This workshop looks at how guided imagery can help with stress and mental well-being. It also includes a pair of guided imagery experiences.... Read more »

Mindfulness: Being Present in Your Work and Life

The idea of mindfulness or being mindful is complete engagement in the present moment. It is a state where you are not thinking, reflecting, judging or deciding, but are instead simply experiencing the things currently in your available experience. Some benefits of developing mindfulness include improved concentration, improved quality of relationships, and greater emotional control.... Read more »

Resiliency: Bouncing Back After a Setback

Certain individuals appear to succeed against all odds. Despite severe hardships such as living through war, witnessing the death of a loved one, having a chronic illness, being a victim of abuse or dealing with unemployment, certain people not only adapt but actually thrive. These people possess a quality known as “resilience.” This workshop will... Read more »

Emotional Intelligence

Implementing discipline over our emotional life is difficult and requires lifelong practice. Being able to choose to act or respond in a particular manner is preferable to re-acting on a consistent basis, yet it is difficult. Enhancing emotional intelligence improves our ability to master our emotional functioning. High emotional intelligence can improve our communications with... Read more »