Digital systems can improve quality of cancer care in low-resource settings

September 7, 2021
Gynecologic cancer contributes significantly to the number of cancer cases each year in Zambia, but weaknesses in referral, communication and coordination systems present challenges to care. Gillings School alumna Katerina Pattee is lead author of a recent article in the Journal of Cancer Policy describing an intervention to establish a low-cost digital system to manage information related to cancer care.

Innovative programs awarded $40 million to advance gender equality

September 2, 2021
The Equality Can’t Wait Challenge awarded $40 million to projects with bold ideas to expand women’s power and influence in the United States. Dr. Nicole Bates, an alumna of the Gillings School, is director of strategic partnerships and initiatives at Pivotal Ventures.

New study gives insight into how often COVID-19 spreads through households

August 30, 2021
The study reports on how frequently COVID-19 spreads to other people living in the same household as someone diagnosed with the illness. The researchers emphasize that having many people living in one household is a major factor in infection risk, which disproportionately affects communities of color.

Vaccinations can stop delta variant

August 27, 2021
With delta driving more than 85% of COVID-19 cases in the United States, vaccinations are the best path for ending the pandemic, says virologist David R. Martinez.

Paving new paths to choline

August 23, 2021
UNC Nutrition Research Institute Assistant Professor Isis Trujillo studies choline, an essential nutrient that is critical for brain development in the womb.

Remembering David Steffen, servant leader who inspired future public health change-makers

August 16, 2021
The Gillings School community celebrates the life of Dr. David Steffen, beloved teacher, practitioner and public health leadership mentor, who passed away in late July 2021. Steffen inspired and guided countless colleagues and public health professionals on their path to become transformative leaders in communities, health departments and other care organizations locally and globally.
