In memory of Dr. Craig Turnbull

December 20, 2022
Prolific researcher and dedicated mentor Dr. Craig Turnbull has passed away. He had a profound personal and professional impact on the Gillings School of Global Public Health, especially undergraduate students for whom he advocated and worked tirelessly – ensuring they had a home at the School.

MPH@UNC student Fawn Rhodes receives health equity award

December 5, 2022
Fawn Rhodes is a student in the Gillings School's online Master of Public Health program and the first-ever public health equity coordinator for New Hanover County Health and Human Services. Earlier this year, the New Hanover County Office of Diversity and Equity recognized her dedication to expanding and elevating equity and diversity throughout the community.

Dean Nancy Messonnier elected to National Academy of Medicine

December 2, 2022
Nancy Messonnier, Dean and Bryson Distinguished Professor in Public Health at the UNC Gillings School, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine. This election is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine.

UNC researchers receive NC Evaluation Fund Grant to support Project RESTART

November 30, 2022
Project RESTART aims to develop a Domestic Violence Intervention Program model that incorporates restorative justice, trauma-informed programming, wrap-around services, partnerships with social justice and economic opportunity organizations, and communication strategies that prioritize survivor-centered content. The interdisciplinary collaboration recently received a funding award from the North Carolina Evaluation Fund Grants program.
