HIV research in the time of COVID-19: Chunyan Li studies barriers to PrEP in Guangdong and a unique intervention

February 6, 2023
Chunyan Li is a social and behavioral researcher in the Department of Health Behavior at the Gillings School applying socially innovative and community-engaged approaches to promote public health in global settings. For her dissertation, she worked with UNC Project-China to assess barriers to PrEP in the province of Guangdong. She also tested a phone app intervention to improve HIV/sexual health care.

Beck named AAAS faculty fellow

February 1, 2023
Dr. Melinda Beck is one of three Carolina faculty members who have been selected as 2022 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, one of the most distinguished honors in the scientific community.

Staying involved and giving back

January 31, 2023
Dr. Todd A. Durham and his wife, Dr. Heidi P. Durham, are planning for the future. They’re not just thinking of themselves but also about family, their state and public health. They recently made a planned gift by donating an independent retirement account to the Gillings School, Todd's alma mater to support priority initiatives under the discretion of the dean. Read about why he views this as a good investment in the future.

Leveling up diagnostics for social good

January 26, 2023
Dr. Sean Sylvia is collaborating on a digitized way to make diagnostic training more accessible for health care providers with a new app called “CollectiveGoodMD,” which aims to test and grow diagnostic skills through gamification and peer-sourced knowledge.
