$12M NSF grant will establish nationwide atmospheric measurement network

December 15, 2021
Dr. Jason Surratt will serve as UNC's principal investigator on a large National Science Foundation-funded project to determine the content of airborne particulate matter, which has significant effects on health and climate change. He will oversee one of 12 research sites that, together, will form the Atmospheric Science and mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT).

Produce prescriptions can save money. New project asks how much?

December 13, 2021
Food prescription programs provide monthly benefits to help people buy fresh fruits and vegetables, and these programs have already been shown to improve health outcomes. A $765,000 grant from The Duke Endowment will fund research by Dr. Shu Wen Ng, Distinguished Scholar in Public Health Nutrition, to produce evidence related to a new facet of these programs: return on investment in the form of improved health and lower health care costs for individuals and communities.

Annual Water and Health Conference convenes global experts to learn and share the latest on water

December 2, 2021
The Water and Health Conference hosted by the Water Institute at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health has become the world’s largest annual international conference on water and health. This year’s conference, which was held virtually for the second time ever, brought together stakeholders from 122 countries around the world to advance their shared goal of increased access to water, sanitation and hygiene worldwide.

Checking in with COVID-19 Gillings Innovation Labs

November 24, 2021
Five of the COVID-19 research projects funded through a special round of Gillings Innovation Laboratory awards (GILs) have now been completed, and the two remaining are expected to wrap in early 2022. Their work has been critical in influencing local and global pandemic response efforts through policy, practice and community engagement.

First-of-its-kind joint MPH degree tackles rural health challenges

November 22, 2021
The Gillings School, UNC Asheville and the Mountain Area Health Education Center will now offer a jointly conferred Master of Public Health (MPH) degree with a concentration in place-based health after the UNC System Board of Governors approved the program as a joint MPH degree. Graduates will now receive their diploma from both UNC Asheville and the Gillings School.

Gillings alum receives $3.7m to develop chatbot for new parents

November 18, 2021
Epidemiology alum Quynh Nguyen, PhD, is part of a research team that received a $3.7 million grant from the NIH to develop a tool that will provide information for new parents. The chatbot, named Rosie, is designed to reduce postpartum depression and improve infant health by providing immediate and accurate information that is tailored to the individual.
