Emergency Preparedness, Ethics and Equity Series – Scholarship through adversity: First-generation student experiences, challenges and insights during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic — and our response to this disease — have underscored deep, persistent societal inequities. The Emergency Preparedness, Ethics and Equity Series will explore how we can continue to foster inclusive excellence and health equity during the most turbulent of times. Speakers will explore ways to consistently apply culturally relevant, ethical and equitable... Read more »

Contact Tracing: Privacy vs. Protection

Contact Tracing: Privacy vs. Protection Wednesday, May 20 at 2:00 p.m. ET https://kenaninstitute.unc.edu/event/webinar-rethinc-data-privacy-in-the-era-of-covid-19/ Governments around the globe are exploring how to leverage technology and data analytics to enable effective contact... Read more »

COVID-19 Conversations: Learning to Treat COVID-19 — Clinical Trials and Developing Therapeutics During a Pandemic

Brought to you by the American Public Health Association and the National Academy of Medicine, this webinar series is exploring the state of the science surrounding the current outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States and globally, with a focus on the emerging evidence on how to best mitigate its impact. Hear from trusted experts... Read more »

COVID-19 Conversations: Reopening Colleges and Universities During COVID-19 — Keeping Students and Communities Healthy

Brought to you by the American Public Health Association and the National Academy of Medicine, this webinar series is exploring the state of the science surrounding the current outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States and globally, with a focus on the emerging evidence on how to best mitigate its impact. Hear from trusted experts... Read more »

Global Health Information Session

Research, Innovation and Global Solutions is hosting an information session about global health opportunities (internships, fellowships, funding, events, student groups and more) at the Gillings School and around the Triangle. Please register to receive a Zoom link through email the day before the meeting. Register

Global Health Information Session

Research, Innovation and Global Solutions is hosting an information session about global health opportunities (internships, fellowships, funding, events, student groups and more) at the Gillings School and around the Triangle. Please register to receive a Zoom link through email the day before the meeting. Register