The pills to fight COVID-19

January 12, 2022
There are new weapons in the war against COVID-19: antiviral pills that fight the virus before it multiplies and causes major damage.

Study shows COVID-19 vaccines provide lasting protections

January 12, 2022
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that, despite breakthrough infections, COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death. The findings support the use of boosters to provide ongoing protection.

Mental health may impact how quickly men connect to HIV care, study in Cameroon finds

January 10, 2022
Research conducted in Cameroon demonstrates that people living with HIV who are initiating care commonly exhibit symptoms of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Among men, screening positive for a mental health disorder was associated with entering care with more advanced HIV symptoms — meaning men who are struggling with their mental health may wait longer to get tested for HIV or begin treatment.

Skinner serves as dean of new school of public health at UT Southwestern

December 21, 2021
Dr. Celette Sugg Skinner — alum and adjunct professor of health behavior at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and member of the Gillings School’s Public Health Foundation board — has been selected to serve as the first dean of a new school of public health to be launched at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas.
