3 from Gillings School community to be honored on University Day

October 6, 2022
The Gillings School will receive special recognition during the ceremonies on University Day, which will mark the 229th anniversary of UNC’s founding. Alumni Dr. Nicole K. Bates and Dr. F. DuBois Bowman, along with staff member Charletta Sims Evans, will be celebrated, and two School researchers will share their latest findings.

How epidemiology researchers discuss race and ethnicity

September 28, 2022
How do you study race and racism when there’s no consensus on how these terms are used in research? New research from a collaborative team of doctoral students tackles this question and provides guidance for researchers across disciplines.

Martin receives 2022 Gillings Faculty Award for Excellence in Health Equity Research

September 22, 2022
Dr. Chantel Martin will receive this year’s Gillings Faculty Award for Excellence in Health Equity Research. Martin is an emerging national leader in research to understand how structural factors and social stressors in the U.S. become biologically embodied to impact health outcomes among racially and ethnically minoritized groups and produce health inequities.

New study examines COVID-19 cases among UNC students during Fall 2020

September 15, 2022
During the Fall 2020 semester, UNC explored hybrid options to minimize COVID-19 transmission while still offering an on-campus experience for students. New research from the Gillings School sheds light on how this experience impacted COVID-19 cases among undergraduates.
