Scholars present during the first annual Global Health Scholars Symposium

November 23, 2022
The First Annual Global Health Scholars Symposium took place on Nov. 11, sponsored by the Institute of Global Health & Infectious Diseases and the Gillings School. The symposium showcased over 30 investigators from UNC and global sites around the world, including doctoral students, doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty.

Staying healthy at Gillings: Q&A with Brent Wishart

November 23, 2022
Senior Director of Facilities Brent Wishart talks about the many ways that the facilities management team keeps students, faculty and staff at the Gillings School safe from health and safety hazards.

Study links N.C. hog feeding operations to acute gastrointestinal illness

November 23, 2022
North Carolina’s rapidly growing human population is nearly matched by the number of hogs, which at nine million, makes N.C. one of the highest hog producers in the country. Examining the health impact of large hog operations on nearby communities, a group of UNC researchers found significantly elevated rates of acute gastrointestinal illness — with the greatest impact on rural, Black and American Indian populations.

Strategic planning retreat explores financial loss and uncertainty amid environmental events

November 14, 2022
The UNC Center on Financial Risk in Environmental Systems (CoFiRES) held its sixth annual Strategic Planning Retreat at the Morehead Planetarium on Oct. 14. CoFiRES is a partnership between the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and UNC’s Institute for the Environment, which seeks to quantify the financial losses associated with extreme environmental events, such as droughts, floods, heatwaves and hurricanes.

Center receives $12.5M to address pregnancy-related hypertensive emergencies

November 14, 2022
In partnership with multiple community agencies across the Triangle, the UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Women’s Health Research has received funding — approximately $2.5 million per year for five years — from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to identify strategies for implementing pregnancy-related hypertension best practices in the outpatient setting.
