Population genetics inference using segments of identity by descent

Dr. Sharon Browning's expertise is population genetics methods for large scale genetic data. In this lecture, she will discuss "Population genetics inference using segments of identity by descent." Segments of identity by descent (IBD) are long tracts of DNA shared by pairs of individuals due to inheritance from a recent common ancestor. These segments are... Read more »

Data-Adaptive Regression Modeling in High Dimensions

Dr. Ashley Petersen's research focuses on developing methods in the area of statistical learning, and in building flexible and interpretable data-adaptive models that are useful in modern settings with large numbers of covariates. She develops methods for the analysis of calcium imaging data. As a member of the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core of the Masonic... Read more »

Spring PHield Trip to RTI

Explore public health in action! Join the virtual PHield trip with RTI International on Feb. 18 from 1-3:00 p.m. The event will feature a keynote on mobilizing global public health research during a pandemic, a discussion regarding the intersection of public health, mental health, and racial equity, and breakout rooms where you can learn about... Read more »

Statistical methods for single-cell and spatial RNA-seq

Dr. Christina Kendziorski's research concerns statistical methods and software for computational biology and genomics. Her group develops statistical methods and software for the analysis of data from high-throughput genomics experiments... Read more »