Designing Web Surveys

This course will provide an introduction to effectively designing web surveys to avoid common pitfalls that impact data quality and introduce measurement error. The course will focus on the following... Read more »

Gillings Canvas Info Session

Join us for a Gillings Canvas Info Session! We’ll cover the Sakai to Canvas transition timeline, explain how to use the automatically migrated content from Sakai for the upcoming Spring 2023 semester, and provide a general intro to Canvas. Learn more and register. Contact Andrew Ochs with questions.

Reproductive Justice Work at UNC

G100 Bondurant Hall 321 South Columbia St, Chapel Hill

Thursday, November 3, noon -1 P.M. Seminar on Reproductive Justice Work at UNC ​This is part of the monthly Women's Health Research Seminar Hot Topic Series presented by the Women's Health Multidisciplinary Consortium. All are welcome to attend! Speakers and Talk Titles: Dr. Kavita Arora: "Equitable Postpartum Permanent Contraception." Dr. Abigail English: “Reproductive Health, Rights,... Read more »

Event Series Mindful Relaxation

Mindful Relaxation

2304 McGavran-Greenberg Hall McGavran-Greenberg Hall, Chapel Hill

Mindfulness and self-compassion meditations assist with stress reduction, mental flexibility and resilience. Dedicate time to self-nurture with 15-20 minute mindfulness meditation and self-compassion sessions. Thursdays - 2 P.M. in 2304 McGavran-Greenberg Hall

Youth Mental Health: How Local Public Health in Durham Responds

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Auditorium (0001 Michael Hooker Research Center) Michael Hooker Research Center, Chapel Hill

Rod Jenkins, health director for Durham County Public Health, will speak about current challenges surrounding youth mental health as a public health issue, and what his department is doing to address this issue in Durham County. Register to attend in person or via Zoom.

The role of racism in disaster response and recovery: The case of Puerto Rico

Tru Deli 114 Henderson St, Chapel Hill

Grab a drink or a snack with the Gillings School Humanitarian Health Initiative on Thursday, Nov. 3, at 5 p.m. at TRU Deli to discuss Puerto Rico, hurricanes, and how racism impacts disaster response and recovery. All are welcome! Please contact with any questions.